Norwegian mountains hides the american crisis-hospitals

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imagine seven football pitches lie close. Then you have the area behind the solid gates of the fjellanlegget by Osmarka in Evenes, on the border between Nordland and Troms.

To start the newspaper Forward his description of the mountain, which has the room including an american field hospital on the size of the Response, in 1991.

the Norwegian authorities have secured the time the opportunity to set up the hospital if the need should arise. For example, by a greater disaster.

the Idea was that the civil preparedness in North Norway could be strengthened with 500-1000 hospital beds from this defensive complex.

for a long time lay there, almost untouched. But in 2001, the field hospital in Osmarka sent to the united STATES, after the terrorist attack in 2001. It confirms His Meisingset who is a senior adviser in the Norwegian Defence logistic organisation.

But fjellanlegget in Osmarka is not unique. Probably not the field hospital rather. There are a number of such underground chambers, in Norway, with top modern equipment.

this Image is from one of the forsyningslagrene in one of fjellhallene in the region and is taken in april 2000.

Photo: Torgeir Haugaard/Norwegian Armed forces Should not be used in civil

the Agreement with the americans is that the bearings should be available if Norway is experiencing a crisis situation.

field hospital, which was in the Osmarka is owned by the u.s. navy. This, and probably more, came to Norway as a part of forhåndslagringen of american military equipment in Norway in 1990.

Dag Hjelle was the head of the Military medical corp from 2007 to 2009. He tells NRK that the man in the beredskapsplanene described the two major basesykehus in Northern Norway.

In addition, there were two Naval Fleet hospitals saved. This was the american hospital, but a part of the contribution from Nato. So in reality, it was two plus two field hospitals. But one of them one was enough most of the paper, says Hjelle.

Norway had 37 field hospital, but these were sold off when the Defense was nedbygget around the year 2000.

If a crisis should arise, will the Uk still have the opportunity to use the american hospitals.

But how many hospital beds there are to talk about, do not want the Defense to go out with.

Will not say what is stored where,

there are several similar underground vault, also in the northern part of Nordland and Troms.

Some of the most well known is still in trøndelagsområdet, confirms the Armed forces, which otherwise are sparse with information.

” the Armed forces do not want to go out with specific information about which equipment is stored where. Material that is in stock is not used in daily operation. It is intended for use when a need arises, enter His Meisingset in the Norwegian Defence logistic organisation in an e-mail to NRK.

the Defense will in other words also do not go out with neither how many underground chambers, or how many field hospitals they have.

In the county of Trøndelag to the american bearings according to Teknisk Ukeblad consist of six underground chambers, just there.

the Plant in Osmarka further north is still one of the few that have been previously well described.

the Defense and the St. Olavs hospital Orkdal hospital are currently conducting a military-civilian helsesamarbeid. Here are possible koronasmittede lie, while they are waiting for transport to St. Olaf in Trondheim.

Photo: Stein Roar Leite / NRK Hospital, power station and drugs

the Mountain in the Osmarka has two large halls, with over 500 containers. They are stacked both in length and height. It wrote among other VG, in 2003.

the Boxes, the room has an fix finished hospitals: hospital beds, own bakery, laundry, power plant, water works, fire station, several x – ray and operasjonsavdelinger and medications.

In addition, there were hundreds of american vehicles in a row. Ambulances, fire engines, buses, trucks, excavators. All brand spanking new. There are also tunnels should be wide enough to allow military vehicles can use them during exercises. The base of the plant is as seven football fields, with international dimensions.

Norway, Nato and the united STATES shared the bill which came on the 290 million when it was completed in 1991.

And even though the field hospital in Osmarka is gone, the material in all the underground vault is regularly updated with brand new equipment.

Virtually unused american cars at the range in a warehouse in a fjellhall a place in the county.

Photo: Torgeir Haugaard/Norwegian Armed forces Paid by Norway, Nato and the united STATES

The Norwegian Armed forces are responsible to protect the fjellanleggene in a good way, ” says lieutenant colonel Ivar Moen, spokesman at the defense operational headquarters.

– All contain large amounts of updated equipment. It provides caretakers and other personnel, to the best of the two nations. If it was to happen a crisis, then it is material here, ” says Moen.

In Sweden, there is already established a field hospital of the Swedish Armed forces, outside of Stockholm. The u.s. army is preparing also to set up a field hospital in the hard-koronarammede cities. The same thing happens in London.

On the Norwegian side, there is so far not done, but the Defense has spoken clearly about what is possible.

the Commander at the defense operational headquarters, Rune Jakobsen, says the Defense is ready to support the community during the koronautbruddet.

A temporary camp at Elvegårdsmoen, such as the Armed forces established under the vinterøvelsen Cold Response, is offered to the County governor in Troms and Finnmark. This should now still be demolished, says Meisingset in the Norwegian Defence logistic organisation to NRK.

Until now, the HV soldiers are inserted by a number of border crossings. The defense has also received several questions by the civilian authorities for assistance, and has resolved the specific mission. It is correct enough erected several tents, including at Orkdal hospital.

Ivar Moen says, however, that all military capabilities are communicated to the Norwegian authorities. It is made continuous from 10. march, when koronautbruddet was a fact and the country “closed”.

– In time to come will people see that the Defense provides support to civil society. I think they expect, ” says the chief of a number of staff Elisabeth Natvig to NRK.

Anne Grethe Erlandsen’s secretary of state in the ministry of Health. She says to NRK that all the capabilities that the Armed forces have, and that are relevant to the health care system, will be considered when the situation warrants it.

Multiple sources in the case: Aftenposten/NTB, 17. January 1991, Aftenposten Morning, 19. september 1990, Forward, Wednesday 16. January 1991.

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