Korona: Now first delivery with smittevernutstyr from China arrived in the Uk – Stephen Fu is relieved

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the Businessman who is behind the import, Stephen Fu, is relieved that the delivery has arrived at the Norwegian soil. He has ordered a total of 16 tonnes of smittevernutstyr that are on the way from China to Norway – and Tuesday night was the first of a total of ten shipments within the borders of Norway.

According to him have one single box with a street value of several hundred thousand Norwegian kroner in hong Kong – where he knows the market well.

Total smittevernutstyret a value of a two-digit commentator, says Fu.

He tells me about the equipment to herioin-rates, and actors who met up in chinese factories with cash in a briefcase to secure the goods.

In addition to the fear of theft has, there have been more sticks in the wheels the last few weeks to get the import equipment, among other things, the EU/EEA regulations that impeded exports. But they were lifted.

Equipment going mainly to the Health of the North and Bodø municipality in the first place. DHL, which stands for carried, expect to be promoting in the north on Friday.

Stephen Fu has been working for several weeks to import smittevernutstyr to Norway. He praises the Health of the North and Bodø municipality to be quickly on the ball and book of him. – It was a prerequisite that we be able to put in the time.

Photo: Lars-Bjørn Martinsen / NRK Great need

the ministry of Health writes that Norway is totally dependent on the import of smittevernutstyr (PPE) from overseas and that it will not be sufficient with the bearings from the business sector.

How much Norway has in stock and what the overall needs are, be kept secret by the authorities. They believe it will create fear.

But only to the Bodø municipality, it is ordered about. 70 000 units. They say they had an acute need.

” We’ve had something in stock though, but considered the early that it was not sufficient to handle one locally smitteutbrudd. Therefore, we have purchased different types of surgical masks, masks and other smittevernutstyr, informs the innkjøpsrådgiver Roger Fredriksen in Bodø municipality.

It has a total cost over three million.

– We have verified the prices we got with other providers, and have no complaints about the price level, ” says Fredriksen.

Health in the North on his side confirms that helseforetaket have ordered the 20,000 surgical masks and 20,000 vernedrakter at Stephen Fu.

Since Fu live in Bodø and have their network here, is it Bodø municipality and Health in the North, which was the first book by him.

Neither the Health the North or Bodø municipality had the capacity on Wednesday night to say exactly how large or critical your need is right now for smittevernutstyr.

Read more about the need for smittevernutstyr in Norway and about Stephen Fu:

EU regulations prevent the import of smittevernutstyr Norway missing smittevernutstyr – business pedal to still Get the import smittevernutstyr High risk: – This is the hardest thing I have done

The Stephen Fu really doing, is to build apartments. But now must he and the rest of the employees do something a little out of the ordinary – and it with high risk.

– We have taken a high, but calculated risk. But I think this is going well. We are professionals and know what we do.

Fu has previously imported smittevernutstyr to Norway, so he already had the contacts ready when koronakrisen occurred.

– But this is the hardest thing I have done in my entire life. I have been going on adrenaline for two weeks and it is not yet over, ” says Fu.

If this goes over the end – as, for example, that the cargo is stolen, it will incur a material loss that can lead to significant difficulties for the company.

– nevertheless, I believe this should go well, ” he says hopeful.

In this package, there is smittevernbriller. DHL drove the goods to the north on Wednesday and is expected that they will be promoting at Bodø municipality and Health in the North on Friday.

Photo: DHL Expects to have everything within a week’s time

the Goods will arrive in the north on Friday, and the same day, is expected a new shipment from China.

Then comes the delivery of denser space.

“We expect to get everything in to the country in the course of a week’s time, i.e. in the course of the Monday-Tuesday the coming week,” says Trond Ørjan Olsen, director of Dhl’s air cargo.

the Freight to the north is not affected by karantenebestemmelser.

a Lot of rogue equipment in the circulation

Stephen Fu says there is a lot of rogue equipment in the circulation, and that the most difficult product to get hold of now is smittedrakter and vernedress.

Fredriksen in Bodø municipality says they have received a lot of inquiries – more than 50 at the present time.

– Acting these as serious actors?

– Some are solid and well-known actors in the industry, while others are completely newly created. It is supplemented from a couple of the most reputable suppliers, to respond Fredriksen in an e-mail to NRK.

the First delivery of a total of 16 tonnes was run off on Wednesday.

Photo: DHL Director: – We are going to think differently

Saturday 14. march asked the Health the North business and industry to donate equipment if they have it. Health South-East and West, has asked about the same thing.

today, said Bjørn Guldvog, director of the Norwegian directorate of Health, that this will be an important læringspunkt for Health-Uk forward.

” We have not realized in advance how vulnerable we are to certain parts of the world are affected by such a pandemic, when the whole world has need for the same equipment at the same time. I am sure that we will think differently in the aftermath of this pandemic. I think we increasingly need to be self sufficient. If not nationally, then at least regionally.

the Battle for smittevernutstyr: – They meet up with suitcases full of cash More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoSiste nyttSpør NRK