The climate summit in Glasgow exposed

the Meeting that should have been in november, are deferred in consultation between the UN, the united Kingdom and Italy due to the ongoing korona-the pandemic.

the World is facing an unprecedented global challenge, and countries are rightly concerned to combat the infection, writes the president of the COP26, the british artist Alok Sharma on Twitter.

He writes that the ambition still is to deliver “what it takes to tackle the climate crisis”, and that a new date for the summit will be set in consultation with the united nations and Italy are the organizers.

the united Kingdom is host to COP26, together with Italy.

In the light of the ongoing and worldwide consequences of the covid-19, is it no longer possible to discontinue an ambitious and inclusive climate conference in november, says on the british government websites.

Regeringen points out that the delay will mean a good time to prepare so that all participating countries “can concentrate on the topics that will be discussed at the vital conference”.

– We will continue our efforts to increase the klimaambisjonene, build up a strong effectively and lowering emissions, called it in the announcement.

– Can not be put on pause

Karoline Andaur, the acting general secretary of the WWF, the World wildlife fund, says the delay is prudent and necessary, but that it may have consequences for the fight against climate change.

– Klimaarbeidet can not be paused, even if the negotiations make it. In 2020 it is intended that the countries all over the world will present new and enhanced national climate targets. This must not be laid on the shelf, ” she says.

She points out that Norway is one of the few countries that has put forward a new goal, but that the job is far from over.

– Now, it is imperative that measures against koronakrisen do not contribute to tangible issues, but also helps to realign the community to limit climate change and loss of nature. Most importantly, it is to avoid investments that involve long-term binding to the fossil fuel energy, ” says Andaur.