Bolat by the corona hit for the legendary Turkish goalkeeper Rüstü: He was my idol

International football, Long wavy hair, black schminkstrepen under the eyes. Rüstü Reçber did more than just stand out due to good goalkeeping. The legendary Turkish goalkeeper – 124 of the national football team, a world CHAMPIONSHIP bronze in 2002 and is at present, however, extensive. Same name. Turkey holds its breath.

the year 2009. The young Sinan Bolat, at that time, 20 years old, and in Standard champions league, for the first time, squeaking by with the Turkish national team. He’ll get Rüstü Reçber. The living legend of Turkish football.
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“I know, it’s still a very, very good. The two training sessions we did together,” says the Second keeper for us. “He was the best goalkeeper of the country, was the first-ever Turkish player in the team FC Barcelona until now, came in afterwards, only to Arda Turan in the ed.). When I was a little girl, I really have to go to him. Everyone, by the way. He was my idol. At that time, there was not a better goalie.”

Fatih Terim

it’s Rüstü currently being passed through the corona, depending on the source, he is in a critical condition, is doing Bolat than the pain. “I think it’s really a shame that he was infected, but I also believe that everything was back on it. That he will soon be restored to health, as well as Fatih Terim.” The coach of the Club also had a corona, but is now much better. “Well, personally, I know of, fortunately, very few people who are sick. I hope it will remain so”, says Bolat. “There’s not much to do, we have to play by the rules. That is the only way we will be soon back to our normal lives it.”