The crisis Manager gives 5 tips on how small business entrepreneurs need to act now

The experienced crisis expert David Rölleke advises companies that are in economic distress, the following five points:

1. You make a Is inventory ago

The crucial questions are: How much money is still there and how many liabilities I have in the next month? You can expect only the money is in the account, and not with any payment receipts.

Calculate how much you need to live. Even if many entrepreneurs, true to the Motto “people first” actions will help, if you can have no money and sleep at night. In such a condition, you save, no company in the world.

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2. Talk with your tax adviser

Even if the Internet currently noticeable by many experts in the frolic, the you immediate financial aid promise, my advice is: they prefer to have a Familiar that is friendly to them, before you fall into the trap. Currently, you lose the Overview, because there are countless messages on the topic of “emergency aid”. Believe me: your accountant is the first person to be informed, if he can apply for these AIDS for you. You can also talk with him about any loans. Very important: does not Fit you, that you will meet in the Not an entrepreneur making the wrong decision. Content check: The gross-to-net calculator 2020, much net is left for them by the gross

3. Create a list of your liabilities, which are due next month

you can Check here is your payment, and you create a descending table with all the necessary information. The sum of the liabilities check with the business credit so you can get an Overview of how many resources you lack. It sounds simple, but many companies fail currently. Note also clear the existing standing orders that you have made already.

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4. Frankly with all the talk, still have to get money from you

Here, I advise you to write an E-Mail or a letter, they tell quite openly that you are on due to the current Situation may not be able to pay their liabilities on time. You write quite openly, that they’re already looking for options and the status immediately communicate. In many cases, has already implemented a deferral of the payment of ten days. This is true for you as a managing Director for business and private.

5. Stay away from private assets

Here, I advise companies to keep your private assets, at least for the time being and not to terminate the hardworking accumulated savings contracts and savings accounts to the liabilities to pay. Because that’s the way it comes in the worst case, not only to business Ruin, but also to the private. You can also discuss this approach with the tax adviser before you act emotionally unwise. Everything about the development of the Corona-crisis

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