Big hospitalsfejl: Got wrong answer on the corona-try

It should go quickly to test people for coronaviruses.

But sometimes it can go a little too fast.

22 norwegians saw in this week to get a wrong answer on their test, it tells Innlandet hospital in a press release.

There went up to a day, in order that they tested got the right result, it writes the Norwegian nrk.

On 30 march it was discovered that there were errors on a set of samples, which were analyzed for Covid-19 at the microbiological department at Innlandet hospital in in the city of Brumunddal.

Eleven people were first told that they were not infected.

But it turned out that it was the.

Conversely were eleven other message that they were infected – but it was healthy.

the Error is due according to the press release, an internal failure of the program to allow those tested of their results.

“We are sorry that this has happened. We apologise to the people who have been involved. We have good systems to analyze samples from the laboratory, and we see this as a to sharpen our routines further,” says divsionsdirektøren for medical services at the hospital, Randi Beitdokken in the press release.

The 22 people were all called up within a days time and got the right result.

It is not the first time that Norway experiences that people get wrong answers on their test.

St. Olavs hospital in Trondheim went on the night of Sunday out and regretted that nine persons had been given a wrong answer on their coronaprøve.

Four norwegians got to know they were infected with the corona – but they were actually healthy.

at the same time got five to know that their test was negative, even though they were infected.

this caused the error ‘human failure’ at the hospital’s laboratory, which was discovered by kontrolrutiner.