Store feared for the survival by the coronacrisis

The Dutch retail chain Hema has been hit hard by the coronacrisis. The turnover of the retail chain, it is so hard for has decreased, and that the company is concerned about its future. That report DETAILS, on the basis of a letter written by Hema-chief: Tjeerd Jegen’s last week to the owners of Store-houses and has been sent.

In the letter, inform Jegen aware that the company for the months of april and may, only one half of the total rent will be paid. Store will save millions of dollars. The rent of the Store amounts to around thirteen million dollars every month.

It is not clear how the pandeigenaren to respond to the decision. According to a Store spokesperson, have a lot of owners will be “very positive” response to the letter.

The huurkorting is one of the many measures adopted in Hema’s head office in Amsterdam-Noord, have a look at the coronacrisis to cope with. All of the stores in the department store format, in France, in Belgium, france and Germany have been closed by the government.

in The Netherlands the shops are still open, but the Store saw a turnover in the Dutch stores for the past few weeks, with about one-third to shrink, it appears from the reports.

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