Kiel/Rendsburg: Corona-Infected: Prosecutor’s office checks the quarantine breaking

“We check,” said attorney Michael Bimler on Wednesday the German press Agency. There is a suspicion of a violation of the Federal protection against infection act was in place. Previously, the “Kieler Nachrichten” and the “Flensburger Tageblatt” reported had. The infected man returned in mid-March, from a high-risk area, came in home quarantine and was tested positive for the novel Coronavirus. According to the district administration, he had left the domestic quarantine and at least three people contact. The man might have met even more people, this will currently being reviewed.

According to the state attorney, Bimler examines his authority now, whether or not a Crime was committed. It is a fine or imprisonment for up to two years threatened. In the case of a first-time offender he think a fine is more realistic, said Bimler. “We will pursue such cases vigorously.”
