Denmark does not test as many of the corona as we can

There is a capacity to test 5000 per day, but Monday was tested far less, says a spokesman.

Denmark does not exploit the testkapacitet, we already have.

It writes Politiken.

It is, although prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) call several coronatest for “a precondition for, that we can once again open the uk”.

Although health care since last Friday have been able to test the 5000 danes on the day, were on Monday tested far fewer.

It says Per Jørgensen, who is deputy director at the university hospital and the Danish Regions, the spokesman for the national testkapacitet.

– Right now they have the microbiological departments the capacity to deliver 5000 testsvar in a day, and Novo Nordisk will be able to deliver the additional 1000 per day in the course of a few days.

– the Demand of the test on Monday was on the 3200 test. So there is no great pressure to open the extra up right now, he says to Politiken.

He adds that the hospitals nor in the weekend was in the vicinity of utilizing testkapaciteten fully. It surprises sundhedsordfører Liselott Blixt (DF):

– It sounds strange that not more people searched for to be tested. In recent days I have heard a wide range of patient groups, who would like to be tested, such as prison guards, soldiers and social workers at points of use;.

– I am also thinking, there must be very health professionals who may need to be tested. I will ask the minister about it, says Blixt to Politiken.

Regionstalsmanden Per Jørgensen estimates that there is capacity to test 5000 danes on the day for a minimum of 14 days.

When tested far fewer, it may be due to the Health requirements for who may have made a coronatest.

the Goal is, according to the Danish Health and medicines authority to test 5000 people a day. It will correspond to the levels in Norway, which has a population close to the Danish.
