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13. march saw Marianne Oma letter from Bo – and habiliteringstenester in Molde municipality, that it was besøksforbod in municipal bufellesskap. This was according to the municipality in order to safeguard the delay groups on the grounds of koronasituasjonen.

Oma has a 32-year-old multifunksjonshemma daughter. Since his daughter live in a private: where she receives services from the municipality at home, and not in a municipal bufellesskap, la Oma letter from the municipality away.

After two days was she contacted by one of the other relatives in the sameiget. She told them that she had been stopped when she tried to visit the private sameiget.

Marianne Oma

Photo: Private

She called to me and was a little shocked over it, ” says Oma.

According to the Health council dated 15. march besøksstans in a omsorgsbustad that is considered a private home for the bebuaren, happen based on the dialogue with the bebuar, relatives and any verje.

Responded with unbelief over the letter

Oma contacted the municipality and got the connection in that they cannot impose besøksforbod, but they showed to the advice from the Norwegian institute of public health and wanted, nevertheless, that relatives lèt be to come.

Oma was asked to write under that she confirm, have read and understood the information and that his daughter is in a risky position, and that in the worst case may mean that his daughter may die if she is suffering from koronavirus.

– I las the letter with shock and unbelief, ” says Oma.

She experiences happening as a clean maktdemonstrasjon after she specified that in her cage in a private: and not in a municipal habitation.

– I felt as if that it is I who should be spikra on the wall, certain she will die of the koronasmitte. When was it I had signed on that we provoke besøksforboda their and went on a visit.

– Not in afflict

Mora defines not his daughter into a risky position. She says that his daughter is in a vulnerable group because she does not have language and cannot express how she has it, but according to mora, she has a normal and a normal immune system and do not have the existing contents of the sjukdommar.

– it Is not good that the municipality åtvarar about the visit in this special time then?

Nay then. It is very good. For all want to take into consideration and reduce infection. But when one gets the services that in this house here so it can be 30 people back leilegheita in the course of a month. But it is I, who is the only one stable in her belly as shall be thought responsible certain she and possibly die of the korona? ask Oma.

She believes that to send such a letter and request signature is far over the line.

– Totally unacceptable

the Issue has been forbundsleiar Jens Petter Gitlesen in the Norwegian association for the handicapped to respond.

He wrote therefore on the suit on the pages of the associated.

He has never heard of a case of how a man has been told to sign such a type before.

Jens Petter Gitlesen in the Norwegian association for the handicapped


– It is ethically totally unacceptable to attempt to give mother the responsibility for dotteras any future death, says Gitlesen.

He has heard many examples of municipalities that introduces besøksforbod or portforbod in bufellesskap for utviklingshemma.

– It works as if the debt most of the Norwegian municipalities.

< p> the Municipality ” sorry

Kommunalsjef for health and care in Molde municipality, Tanja Thalén, type in an e-mail to NRK that the municipality add themselves langflate.

– When we introduced the besøksforbod it was also sent out information about the smittefare after advice from the Norwegian institute of public health, where the closest relatives were asked to read and sign. The first notice that was sent out, there were reactions on the and, it was therefore formulated and we beklaga, type ho.

She write further that when they afterwards was done caught the attention that the municipality cannot have besøksforbod in bufellesskap for the aged and disabled, let them completely flat and beklaga that they had made a mistake. Written about smittefare were then drawn back, and they have updated the information on the website say.

– today (Tuesday) was we know that relatives experience that she should not have been beklaging from the municipality, and we are sad. I have today had a talk with her and beklaga what has happened. We add us completely flat, she says.

at the same time clarifies Thalén that this is a very special situation, and that they work utifrå best purposes where the goal is to refine the risk for infection both for the patients and staff.

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