of The 15. February was the district of Heinsberg, Germany. At the cap meeting of the carnival Association “the long-bröker thickness Flaa” with approximately 300 participants in the community of Gangelt, a 47-Year-old, who was later tested positive for the Coronavirus was. He is considered to be Germany’s first Covid-19-Patient lying on the ICU.

Long ago, in the district of Heinsberg, has been declared officially as a risk area and has 1281 Infected, 34 deaths and 554 Convalescent. Now the “deutsche Wuhan could be” once again at the forefront and help the Corona pandemic is to be curbed in Germany and around the world. Jonas Güttler/dpa Sign for the town of Heinsberg in the district of Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia.

study with 1000 people in the district of Heinsberg is intended to provide recommendations for Corona-pandemic

In Heinsberg, the city, after which the circle is named, explained district administrator Stephan Pusch at a press conference on the topic of Coronavirus, such as the current status is. “We’re still somewhat in the dark,” he admitted. “We and the whole of Germany to make things, without knowing exactly what is most effective.” This can be achieved in the whole of Germany in the context of a forecast, “it must be Clear”.

A study conducted in Heinsberg, is now to bring recommendations for action, as you should in the Corona-crisis procedures. It should already come on the weekend, a team of scientists in the circle, have the numbers and routes of infection Infected get explained, and started to evaluate them, tells Pusch. The aim was to find out which situations are typical for an infection and where the greatest dangers lurk.

Drosten-successor Streeck: “the district of Heinsberg offers us a unique opportunity,”

Professor Hendrik Streeck, head of Virology at the Universitätsklinikum Bonn and there since October of 2019, the successor of Christian Drosten, supervised this study. “The district of Heinsberg offers us a unique opportunity, because it is clear, when the Virus arrived here,” said the virologist on Tuesday. “As a result, you can determine relatively accurately how high the dark figure is, and how many have been infected with certain events.“ dpa district administrator Stephan Pusch (m.), while Prof. Dr. Hendrik Streeck (right), and Dr. Ricarda Schmit watch Hausen.

district Pusch is hoping that the study findings for the district of Heinsberg, but also answers to questions that concern the whole of Germany. “What are you allowed to make in the future, without that it’s dangerous, and what we don’t need to keep measures in place so that it comes back to the chain of Infection?” Pusch now sees a “huge opportunity” to be a role model for Germany and the whole world, if you can find more about the Virus and helping to contain it.

to celebrate as the contagion multiplier? Virologist Streeck want to investigate

Streeck dampened this euphoria and see Germany, even on an “ethical Dilemma” heading. Virologists had to learn the task, how high the mortality rate by the Coronavirus was compared to the existences, which are harmful, and to give recommendations for action. To act in fact, but it is not a task for the virologists, but the policy. “We speak only recommendations.”

He had come with 40 students from the University of Bonn in the district of Heinsberg, said Streeck. “In the beginning it was planned with 20 students, but the encouragement was huge.” Now I have made the circle of Gangelt, in the infamous carnival meeting has taken place, and there is a study centre set up. There, you’ve pulled “a sample that is representative”. 1000 inhabitants were and are now being contacted to participate in the study, the Virology Professor. The aim is to ensure comparability with other studies around the world. dpa Professor Dr. Hendrik Streeck is the successor of the Christian Drosten, as head of Virology at the Universitätsklinikum Bonn.

it was Interesting also that many people would be infected when they are celebrating, for example, in the case of the said carnival session in Ischgl. “We want to see what is different and whether you can perhaps deduce recommendations for action from it,” says Streeck.

virologist Streeck: “not Surprised that the RKI is conducting the study itself by”

It is a matter of evidence, from led Streeck. This should also be investigated, such as in families, the infection chains, whether children infected adults and why some of the carnival have and others do not. First results might be available next week. A second, smaller study, in the consider day-care centres and hospitals, will perform.

Surprised, the virologist from another fact was revealed. “I was surprised that the Robert Koch Institute has carried out this study itself,” says Streeck, of the order of the state government in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Whether the study promotes but in fact, recommendations for action to-day, the pandemic will help in the Corona, is not guaranteed, and Pusch. “Perhaps there is no recommendation at all”, the Landrat of the Kreis Heinsberg to bear in mind. “We are in a Situation in which the policy has to decide how to live best protects.” “Hard but fair”: the infectiology login doubts other large-scale events of 2020, FOCUS Online/Wochit “Hard but fair”: the infectiology login doubts other large-scale events, 2020
