Sauebønder of Reipa in Meløy must accept 1100 lambs alone because of the korona-situation

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For sauebøndene Solgerd Viderø and Jørn Ellingsen of Reipå in Meløy municipality, it can be very long days and nights in the weeks to come.

on a row in the barn is 550 in pregnant sheep, which in the course of the next two months will have a total of around 1100 lambs.

– Everything is in the route except that we are struggling to get enough arbeidshjelp, says Jørn Ellingsen.

Two of the sheep have already got the lamb, while the rest will come to continuously.

on Monday morning, the first lambs on the farm to the world.

Photo: Synnøve sundby’s time Fallmyr / NRK

– Lamminga starts in earnest about about three weeks. At this time we would normally have gone from two on the job, to be four to six persons who must be here all the time.

Comes not to Norway

The three people who actually would help is in the hjemlandene their Lithuania and Finland. Because of koronautbruddet, it is difficult and unsafe to travel to Norway.

– We have a fixed release that is at home in Lithuania now. In addition, we cooperate with a Finnish landbruksskole that would send two students here for the to have practice.

Now ask sauebonden the extra hands, but it can not be anyone.

– You must have some knowledge from before, because it can be a lot of drama during the birth. And there is a big push here when there are lamming, it is difficult to give full training while it is standing on.

According to the farmer Jørn Ellingsen they must be at least four people in turn when lamminga starts in earnest.

Photo: Synnøve sundby’s time Fallmyr / NRK

– There are certainly some that could be imagined a few weeks on the farm now. It is very rewarding and pleasant work, ” says Jørn Ellingsen.

He also knows about several sauebønder which relies on help from abroad during lamminga.

– Can not help all

the Requirement of competence, allows to and with those who hire out workers to farms have problems with to meet the need.

the general manager for Landbrukstjenester in Salten and Lofoten would like to helped several farmers.

Frank Wiik Rendal from Landbrukstjenester in Salten and Lofoten.

Photo: Private

– It is a difficult situation for many sauebønder not obtain sesonghjelp now, ” says Frank Wiik Rendal.

– There are not as many who have experience from lamming, so it is a challenge for us to have the expertise in place. We help a part of farmers, but can unfortunately not help all.


yesterday opened the government for that seasonal workers from EEA countries may still come to Norway. It applies to work in agriculture, horticulture, forestry and matindustri.

the Government writes that the ministry of Justice and public security has made changes in bortvisningsforskriften which means that EEA nationals who will be working in an industry where there is a critical need for labour, get to get into Norway.

the Rule of quarantine of 14 days for persons coming from abroad will apply for the workers.

This is an important change, believes the ministry of agriculture and mr. Olaug Bollestad from the Sector.

– Våronna stands for the door, and now the EEA-citizens, who have been given jobs in the agriculture, come to Norway and start up with the work. This change will mean a lot for manufacturers who right now lack the manpower, says Bollestad.

But it is not so easy to get to for farmer Jørn Ellingsen, such a situation is in the world now.

Photo: Synnøve sundby’s time Fallmyr / NRK

– unfortunately, It is not applicable. It is too uncertain for our fixed release to go here, and don’t know if he’ll come back to Lithuania after lamminga. Additionally, it does not fly from there, so he had to in that case have been hit.

– When it comes to the students we should get a visit, as are all the schools in Finland were closed, such as here. So it is not appropriate for them to travel out of the country now.

Hjemmeskole in the barn

Fortunately, there is a little help to get from the two of the daughters of Solgerd Viderø and Jørn Ellingsen.

Hannah is already started to help, with expert advice from their parents.

Photo: Synnøve sundby’s time Fallmyr / NRK

– We have one that goes sisteåret in elementary school and one goes in high school that has hjemmeskole. So they will probably spend part of the time in the barn, it is very good lessons in it, says Jørn Ellingsen.

13-year-old Hannah has wanted to be a veterinarian in the future, so this is perfect practice. She is already assisting with the first lambs that have come to.

to get through this year’s lamming in the best way possible, for both man and beast, hoping Ellingsen that they get the help they need from the surrounding area.

After that there went the element of us went on the radio and TV in NRK Nordland has more currently signed up.

It is both veterinærstudenter and teachers who do not have completely full days for the time being.

In addition, several local businesses say that they can help with other things on the farm to help us. We are very grateful for.

Photo: Synnøve sundby’s time Fallmyr / NRK More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoSiste nyttSpør NRK