the question of how much caution is necessary, there are differences of opinions in the society. While some want to finally with your friends in the Park, make the other Worry, if you have to outside to buy food and wish that only those who are on the go, the need to be.

lasts the longer the crisis, the louder the question will be can be relaxed, when, and the extent to which output restrictions and prohibition of Contact. How can the answer not to the needs of both groups – so that it comes to a social Corona Clash?

1. Perspective of the other occupy

Gerald Echterhoff is a Professor of social psychologist at the University of Münster. He emphasized in an interview with FOCUS Online, to understand how important it is that we all find ourselves in a Situation that has so far not experienced any so – and that – unlike in other States, the danger is less visible. Much of what resulted from the limitations and changes in our everyday life, a break with our fundamental needs for control, security, social interaction and social relations.

“To this threat, people react in very different ways. Some of you respond with defense, and play the danger down, some Frustration occurs when the other hand, it leads to Depression and despondency. That is why it is now important to understand that we are trying, why certain people show certain reactions in this Situation – and we all need a certain level of tolerance,“ explains real Hoff. It’ll help if you try the perspective of the other and to understand why you react to the current Situation – even if the response is other than your own.

2. Justice conflicts identify stresses

Elisabeth Kals, a Social psychologist at the Catholic University of Eichstätt, that the core of most conflicts and quarrels between citizens are currently justice conflicts. “Always, when indignation over the behavior of others in the game, behind that experienced injustice,” said Kals. This does not apply only in the Small if you’re making a fuss about the neighbors, the friends on the balcony grille, but also in the Large for the whole of society.

to prevent that, the company splits, it is necessary to understand the justice core of the conflict. “So far, the freedoms of citizens were limited hardly ever so strongly by the state, as is currently the case. At the same time, the individual threats are experienced due to a possible infection as very different. Thus, a different need of the individual’s health,“ says Kals. Added to this is the need for financial security and the safety of the workplace. “As a result, different standards and claims, which are in potential competition with each other to develop.”

3. Acceptance

create A second great question of justice: How decisions are made? For the acceptance and thus the implementation of the restricted civil rights, or the loosening of the measures is to be taken the way these decisions are particularly important: Who is involved in the decision-making process and in what Form? Who will advise and be consulted? Who is listened to? FOCUS-Online-action #corona care: Germany helps!

The Corona-pandemic restricts the everyday life of the people in Germany. Especially for vulnerable groups such as seniors, everyday tasks are associated with a risk of infection. Therefore, now asked for solidarity! FOCUS Online has therefore launched the campaign “#corona care: Germany helps”. With you! All of the information you find here.

“The more the rules of a fair trial be respected in the decision-making, the more the decisions are accepted by those Concerned also. That is, the various stakeholders need to be brought to the ‘virtual table’, together. The current Situation is so complex that it is absolutely necessary, interdisciplinary Knowledge together. Neither the virologists may still get the Economists, the sole sovereignty of interpretation,“ emphasizes the Social psychologist.

4. Between different interest groups

communicate On the weekend, first politicians have fuelled the debate on possible easing. A large role is also played by the economic component. The severity of the consequences of the lock downs for the Individual and the economy as a Whole? Social psychologist Immo Fritsche of the University of Leipzig holds a serious conflict between interest groups is possible.

It is a great social task is to mediate between the various groups, says Fritsche in an interview with FOCUS Online. “If people perceive that there is between each of the groups, conflicts of interest and conflicts due to material differences, it can break the societal consensus quickly.” Some lose their Jobs, the other only need to go to the Home Office. “But whether people really identify as part of a group and not as a part of society as a whole, depends on the discourse – what is communicated in media, Social Media and personal environment,” explains the expert.

5. Crisis as a societal challenge

“The key point is that all must see the crisis as a societal challenge – and society as a whole as capable of action and experience. Because then people identify with that, too, and keep together,“ said Fritsche more. For this, it is important that the consensus remain high that we get with the measures taken, the Corona-crisis in the handle and it together as a society in Hand, if the curve of the Infected flattens or not. Then there is also no whole-of-society Corona-Clash. I need help I would like to

help At the same time, warns the expert: If it feels for people as a society would have the same behavior as no-Contact orders and stay home a lot cause, can cause people to identify more with their subgroup, such as Old and Young or entrepreneurs or employees. There is the risk that the company’s parts along such categories, was well given, says the social psychologist. “We can act, and if the majority is sure that the government measures will help to protect human lives and the economic threat to catch. The idea that we are all in the same boat, is also very important.“

6. Negative effects Hoff emphasizes not conceal

social psychologist, and that it is important not to conceal the fact that different groups are differently affected by the crisis. And in the end it does not give a recipe for what is right and what is wrong. “In every crisis there are winners and losers. We need to make it clear that there will be at certain Points, maybe not a solution for all just fine,“ says the real Hoff. But this is precisely why it is important that the government be open and clear communication: “It must be clear how important social cohesion is, and that we have a common goal: We need to give a long time to hold out, but eventually it will drugs and a vaccine.”

it is time to do a tightrope walk: “On the one hand, the risks for the society are to provide clear, partly also with drastic scenarios. On the other hand, it is also important to build a bridge to the future and to a time after the crisis,” said Echterhoff. The could help, the threats and uncertainties consciously to acknowledge, to adhere to the restrictions currently in and not to fall into short-sighted defence strategies, helplessness, or thoughtless emergency responses. The world is better than your bad news – FOCUS Online provides you every Friday with the best stories from the field perspectives. Subscribe here for free Newsletter:

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