B. T. mean: Too early to proclaim Frederiksen for ‘corona-the Messiah’

Monday held prime minister Mette Frederiksen a significant speech to the Danish population.

the Message was gratifying:

the Infection appears to spread more slowly than feared, which provides a breeding ground for it, as the prime minister called “cautious optimism”.

Perhaps we can begin to open our society quietly up again after easter. If we suppose that the brand clap your heels together and do as they’re told.

It was the specific mother, who spoke to his unruly flock:

“If we danes – in the next two weeks, over the easter – continues to stand together to keep distance, and if the numbers remain stable and sound in the next two weeks, so the government will begin a gradual and controlled opening up of our society again,” it said.

the Speech, contained, of course, the passage that has been the crisis, the slogan, as it is written in the prime minister’s taleskriverstab: “We must stand together to keep the distance.” Monday we added the pithy phrase “We ask, in fact, the weakest to be the strongest in this time” to the crisis poesibog.

Frederiksen got even exploited the situation to get spunnet and reclaimed the blunder, as her own culture in an unnoticed moment had caused by totally ducking his own resortområde and reduce culture to the colored granules on top of society’s pie:

“… in a time, where I am sure that many people are experiencing, that you just need the art for hope but also the necessary reflection.” That was almost too thick.

The political commentators seemed immediately to have a prostrate admiration for the speech in its entirety, and the “the last shall be first”-style phrase with the strong and the weak in particular.

Even the otherwise always critical political commentator Henrik Qvortrup, let himself be carried away and called exactly the speech for “the most excellent speech that any prime minister has done” in his own time as a political journalist.

It was certainly a nice speech, which made an impression.

It is, however, problematic, if the talens patosfyldte and storladende form is going to shadow over the content itself. We must not let the euphoria of the happy news shadow over the gravity of the situation, and our critical sense.

Perhaps this is due to the massive praise that it is precisely ordmennesker, the communicators that came with the reactions.

However, the communication and the spell itself may not stand alone. Just ask the rats in the tale of Rottefængeren.

Frederiksen put in the speech emphasis on the fact that “our unique model of society come through the crisis”. It, we must hope, for through the various hastebehandlede nødlove we have – temporarily – accepted compromises in our freedom of assembly and other severe restrictions to our personal freedom.

None of these should survive the current crisis.

It must in justice be said, that Mette Frederiksen has been going strong through the whole coronakrisen. She has taken courageous decisions which will surely have helped to put Denmark in a better situation, than if we had been sitting on his hands.

Partly in relation to the spread of infection, and partly in relation to a quantity of stimulus measures, which should mitigate the economic disaster as much as possible.

The kind of political initiative and determination one must have respect for.

Return is, however, also some important and yet unanswered questions, and until we have got answers to them, is it too early to proclaim Frederiksen to our ‘corona-the Messiah’:

Why was there a hitch in respect to the original testing strategy? Why was the scarcity of protective equipment to doctors and nurses at all a problem? Why undervalued our health coronavirus as pronounced, as the case was? How large will the price financially for the big closure of the Danish society (as Fredrickson himself mentioned, has 40,000 danes reported themselves available the last two weeks), and what is the concrete plan for the reopening? Why Denmark has just as many or more dead per capita as Sweden, which has had a completely different approach to the crisis? What effect will the talens positive message have on the danes ‘ willingness to continue to live on the lonely and abstinent show, which is far from our usual way of life, but which obviously is crucial for the next few weeks?

When we know the answer to these and other questions, it is certainly possible that Bischoff does indeed have earned both the personal praise, and the progress of her party right now enjoy in the polls.

But it is still too early to conclude.

Jonas Kuld Rathje chief Editor

Editor-in-chief of B. T. Graduated from the Journalisthøjskolen in 2001 and the Master in Editorial Management from the UNIVERSITY of southern denmark in 2008. The father of the world’s most beautiful two boys.