A face mask should be mandatory

This article is over two days old and may contain outdated advice from the authorities regarding the koronasmitten.

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With a extremely contagious virus that korona is the use of face masks or surgical masks at the shops and public transport is an absolute prerequisite for success quickly in the fight against the deadly virus.

Koronaviruset be combated with measures that cost the Norwegian people, the hundreds of billion. But the Norwegian institute of public health refuses to recommend the use of a face mask in a public place, which is an almost free action to prevent people who are infected without knowing it spreads its dråpesmitte.

One is defenseless against the infection that comes through the air, if one is without the mask.

Thus achieved only limited success with the expensive measures, because one allows one of the most important smitteveiene be partially open. To keep enough distance is not always possible.

Berøringssmitte can you protect against through good hygiene, while you are defenseless towards the infection coming in through the air if one is without the mask. It is high time that it becomes mandatory to wear a face mask.

Prevents infection

There are 2 ways that a face mask prevents dråpesmitte between people:

For the first limited the transmission of infection from infected people, from them that do not even know that they have the korona. A face mask can both prevent droplets infect others directly and that dråpesmitte settles on surfaces and is transmitted through the hands, for example, from handletraller and food in the shops.

second, it limited the transmission of infection to a healthy person with a face mask to prevent inhalation of dråpesmitte. This is a secondary argument, but there are many reports that suggest that the benefits of the face mask is understated for such a contagious virus that korona.

The western “we know best”attitude is more than arrogant.

According to the health authorities is one of the problems with surgical masks is that they can be used wrong. But instead to advise people from using them, they should rather teach us to use them correctly and tell us what we do if we do not have access to the best equipment. We do not have access ten million surgical masks right now, but that can change quickly, and then, the authorities should be ready with acquisitions and new advice on the use of surgical masks.

Even though the Norwegian institute of public health has not prepared itself properly on the koronaviruset and missing equipment, they must be able to improvise and make the best out of the situation. Instead, negates the fact that surgical masks are cheap and good tools to prevent infection.

How the infection is spread

Constantly comes the reports from scientific hold that koronaviruset also may be transmissible via dråpesmitte, most recently stated by the World health organization at the weekend. Scholars disagree about the korona is transmitted via aerosols (very small droplets that stay suspended in the air). Norwegian institute of public health has been based on the fact that the virus is not transmitted via small droplets over a distance, and also has no contingency against this.

A study featured in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that koronaviruset probably transmitted via aerosols hanging in the air over a long period of time, while the World health organization believes that it is not the case.

It is high time that it becomes mandatory to wear a face mask.

Because a koronasmittet have many more viruspartikler in the spat than those who are infected by influenza, it is reasonable to assume that korona is more potent to infection through the small drops than the flu. We do not have any immunity in the population also makes it bleed easier.

Learn from Asia

Chinese experts who are assisting the italians, the river itself in the hair of the missing measures in the country. Most baffling is the lack of use of protection over your mouth and nose. China, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore have demonstrated how one can control this virus. All places are mandating the use of surgical masks a necessary part of the strategy to prevent contamination

An australian study of the common flu showed 75 per cent reduction in infection by the use of surgical masks to prevent infection to the rest of the normal families. It is reasonable to assume that the effect is just as great against korona. Note that in the described situation one had to expect a part self-infection from munnbindet. However, the effect of 75 percent reduction in infection, and that is what counts.

A beside the point the strategy will provide unnecessary deaths and much suffering.

A question you need to ask is why the Norwegian institute of public health just have the aim that they will be able to flatten out smittekurven so that it tops itself up in time. We run the risk of many months of partial abandonment. South Korea got knocked back corona in 5-6 weeks! This is like the high jump with a buried list. the And very expensive.

Continue Norwegian institute of public health to act out from the same kullsviertro that the asians are wrong, there is the danger that we instead of mandating surgical masks at the shop gets introduced even more stringent restrictions and the abandonment of even more businesses. It is extremely much more expensive for society than to impose on people to wear a face mask around one hour a week.

A beside the point the strategy will provide unnecessary deaths and much suffering.

We’ve got a recipe on how we can quickly succeed in the fight against the virus. The western “we know best”attitude is more than arrogant. See how serious they take the use of surgical masks in the far East, and what amazing results they have. Also the doctor who heads the new, large koronastudien in Norway, Arne Søraas, has said in the nyhetssendingene on NRK that he uses a face mask inside the public rooms.

the health Authorities in Norway on the other hand, intimiderer us with incorrect information about a face mask, so that almost no one dares to use it in the shop – it is too embarrassing. When we risk either infecting others or becoming infected yourself.

A quote from Seneca may be appropriate for the situation: It is human to err, but devilish to remain in the mistake.

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