The cleaning staff called by the crown prince – would like to thank you for your efforts

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– I want to thank you for that I got the time to talk with you. You are doing an incredibly important job, especially now during the koronakrisen, said crown prince Haakon at the outset.

the crown prince carried out videomøtet Tuesday morning with three cleaners from various places in the country.

the Goal was to illustrate the hverdagsheltene in the Norwegian society during the crisis we are now inside.

the crown prince: – A special situation for everyone in Norway now

the BUTTERFLIES IN the STOMACH: Renholder Felicia Mcgill Cephas in Trondheim got to meet crown prince Haakon during a video conferencing on Tuesday. It means everything for me to be called a hverdagshelt, ” she says.

Photo: Elisabeth Strand Mølster / NRK – Good to know that the community cares

You are doing an important job otherwise also, but especially now, it is important that good cleaning both in hospitals, grocery stores, gas stations and other places, said the crown prince during the call.

Renholder Felicia Mcgill Cephas is originally from Liberia, but has lived in Norway for several years. For her, this was a very special day in Trondheim.

He put a really big price on the job we perform. Especially in the time we have right now. For us, it is good to know that the community really cares, ” she says to NRK after videomøtet with the crown prince.

But Cephas admits that she was nervous before she got to talking with the crown prince through their phone.

WOULD like to THANK: While crown prince Haakon himself sat at Skaugum, he had contact with Felicia Mcgill Cephas (renholder at ISS in Trondheim), Angus McGunnigle (floor and vindusvasker at AB Solutions in Oslo), and Naemy Trandum Aasen (working with smittevask in Kongsberg Næringspark).

Photo: The royal court Butterflies in my stomach

I had butterflies in my stomach, but it went after a while. It means everything for me to be called a hverdagshelt. I’m so proud of everyone around me that support me, and I know the extra a lot of on it during the koronakrisen. For there is much to do right now, ” says Cephas.

– All the cleaning staff have good reason to be proud of the job they do. It requires both competence, thoroughness and perseverance to have such a profession, ” says crown prince the Norwegian broadcasting corporation NRK.

And the meeting with the crown prince and the other two renholderne, is something she will take forward in the weeks to come.

‘ Thank from the crown prince and the royal family has anything to say to me. It is good to know that they take this seriously, and that is something I will remember for a very long time, ” says Cephas and smiles.

the King: – My thoughts and prayers are with you all now,

GLAD FOR the CHAT: Renholder Felicia Mcgill Cephas was glad to get to meet crown prince Haakon digitally through this videomøtet Tuesday morning.

Photo: Elisabeth Strand Mølster / NRK More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoSiste nyttSpør NRK