Virologist Drosten gets hate mail and is considering the withdrawal from the Public

The Coronavirus currently holds the whole of Germany in a breath. With output restrictions, a ban and the cancellation of events should be used to prevent the pathogen from spreading in an uncontrolled manner. In the current “NDR”Podcast, has spoken virologist Christian Drosten of the Berlin Charité to the output limitations of the Situation in other European countries, as well as the role of science.

Drosten opened the conversation with a statement: He had the feeling that people would get used to step by step to the new regulations. With views of neighboring countries, such as Spain or Italy, Germany is comparatively good. That this country is still relatively solid standing, leads back to the virologist on early testing. “We have extremely rolls early in the width of a very large force in the field of diagnostics and, therefore, very early in our cases noticed,” says Drosten.

Drosten: According to Munich-based patients in Germany had been at Attention

After a 14-Corona-cases had been detected in connection with the Munich-based company Webasto, the health authorities at Attention.

another reason for the low Corona-mortality rate in Germany: The average age of the Patients spent according to the virologists, with 48 years under the Italian Covid-19-patients. “We have had a bit of luck,” says Drosten of the Situation.

Among other things, the skiers, who were young and athletic, would have brought the Virus to Germany and mostly people of their age group infected. That you could increase the capacity of the Corona Tests, such as those of the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), demanded much, and the virologist thinks. “I think that we must not only say, we test and test and test. But let’s say we are testing the Right“, he explains.

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Drosten about the media: “I see myself, and me is bad”

In the Corona-crisis Drosten as the point of contact par excellence – the virologist was in the past, many talk shows, Internet-portals and Newspapers, he gave Interviews.

For the researcher, this media presence, however, is increasingly a Problem. In the “NDR”-a Podcast refers to an opinion of the national ethics Council, It is not the science, the choices, but the policy. The science of generating, ultimately, just data and could interpret it, would be overburdened with far-reaching political decisions. Michael Kappeler/Reuters pool/Reuters

In the media would be presented, researchers more than decision-makers. “There are Newspapers, learning to paint, in the meantime, not with words, but with images of cartoons of science. I see myself as a cartoon character is drawn and to me is bad,“ says virologist angry.

to show, Among other things, that’s why he had avoided it in the past week in television. Him, but also other science things attached, who voted at all would be learning.

Drosten, a frightening portrays example. Just yesterday he got an E-Mail, “in which I was personally responsible for the suicide of the Hessian Minister of Finance,” he says. For it is thus exceeded the limit of a reasonable discussion. “We are slowly at a point where science does not have to start in an orderly fashion to the withdrawal, when to stop,” says the virologist.

surf tip: Portrait – Christian Drosten: What is the German Coronavirus expert advises

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With a Mouth guard shopping for Drosten “a polite gesture”

you can Still win Drosten of the whole Situation as something Positive. That in talk shows, still trying to stir up conflicts between scientists, show that us relatively well.

However, he stresses: It career could be damaging to a researcher like him to go to the Public. “I’m doing this now, but anyway, because I’m moving in this narrow field of research for so long that I know that I can freely and largely without error on […] of this problem.”

At the end of the virologist, once again, to the fact that he does not think that the foreign protection respiratory masks to be very useful. “The idea is to make a mask yourself, or to tailor, that’s a good idea, a polite idea,” he explains. Thus, signaling in the environment: you’re protected from me. When shopping in Berlin was Drosten been almost the Only one who have worn a mask. For him, disappointing: “In reality outside the perception is not arrived yet, that is a polite gesture.” Mouth protection, prey protection, Wuhan-Tool: these are the best life hacks for the Corona-crisis FOCUS Online/Wochit mouth protection, prey protection, Wuhan-Tool: these are the best life hacks for the Corona-crisis, Where is Coronavirus? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease, FOCUS Online/Wochit Where is Coronavirus? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease
