Skiforbundet with millionavtale – however, athletes lose scholarships

The fresh hovedsponsoravtalen comes at a time where there is full of crisis in the Norwegian Skiforbunds economy and where sponsormarkedet is very difficult because of the korona epidemic.

– In the current situation, it is crucial to operate at peak as of now. It is not only a significant contributor, but extremely important, in the whole the total, ” says training Espen Bjervig to NRK, and continues:

– We have made major structural changes, if not this hovedsponsoravtalen had come on the place.

the Changes without a steaming fresh hovedsponsoravtale would all in cross country skiing have noticed. Bjervig tells us that the individual said had begun “to take down” it would have been the least harmful to the operation. Both at the elite and rekrutteringsnivå. As education and training courses for the banks.

the Branch cross-country had been forced to shrink landslagene further, had even fewer collections than intended, and lost weight support system with the coaches and smøreteam, as well as the administration.

SMILES: the Norwegian ski federation and the athletes can smile for a new, very important millionavtale for cross-country skiing.

Photo: Terje Pedersen / Terje Pedersen Scholarship disappears – must sell advertising

But now to be saved in the smallest part.

The new agreement has a duration of two years and applies from the 1. may 2020. The parties represent that the frame is on 10 million a year. Bjervig says that the agreement provides peace of mind and that cross-country skiing final he can focus more on what they are doing.

Årsbeløpet is still five million less than the last agreement period. It is, among other things, that the scholarships disappear and that the athletes themselves have to sell their own advertising.

– IMPORTANT APPOINTMENT: Says training Espen Bjervig (front center), here surrounded by the Norwegian team during the Tour de Ski this season.

Photo: Terje Pedersen

the Bank has in fact previously made sure that every single performer on the langrennslandslaget has received approximately 120.000 million a year. For some, it is a small sum. For other less prolific and respected athletes it has been much-needed funds throughout the season.

In the agreement, which is worth less than the previous one, the main less logoeksponering. It means that the bank’s notice will remain on the hat and headbands. But away from most of the apparel. The merkeplasseringen now get the athlete to their own disposal in which they can “sell the brand” to a separate private sponsor.

Needs to recoup “lost revenue” even

Thus they must even right out in a market that is believed to be very difficult.

Training Bjervig are aware of both the up – and nedsider of such a model. He also goes far in suggesting that there is form for pilot project.

– They get the opportunity to retrieve the lost “stipendinntektene” by going out and selling yourself. Now, it is perhaps not the best timing to market is now. But I think the athletes have a strong foundation especially locally. In addition, also the clubs athletes have the opportunity to use their sponsorater on the athletes. It is also something that is in demand, ” says Bjervig – and adds:

But, there are athletes who are struggling to bring in sponsors, so we’ll see what we Skiforbundet can assist with.

SPONSORSJEF: Stone Bugge in Sparebank1.

Photo: Sparebank1 Made the appointment in time of crisis

Sponsorsjef in the bank, Stone Bugge, tells us that the parties resumed talks in mid-February. He says the talks bore fruit.

Among other things, continues a series of measures which the width and elite go hand in hand, as “byttehelgen” and “utetimen”. Where have the biggest profiles contributed, while Bugge tells us that there may be even more projects that involve the ski-in profiles in the future.

– We fail not when it is uphill battle. Then it is even more important for us to be with, ” says Bugge, when NRK asks how it is to sign a millionavtale in the middle of the korona epidemic who makes solid inroads in the Norwegian economy.

He adds:

– It is not without reason that cross country skiing is our undisputed nasjonalsport. We find that skiheltene are good role models. Children and adults will be inspired by them. It fits very well with where we stand.