Duchess Kate was crying when saying goodbye to Prince Harry tears – view

On Wednesday it will be official. Prince Harry (35) and Duchess Meghan (38) have made the so-called Megxit final. A new set of rules for the Royals came into force. At the beginning of March, the couple stayed for a week in England and had the last public duties. While the Duchess left Meghan earlier, to be with son Archie, remained with Harry for a few more days longer in his old home.

There, tears had flowed, reveals the Royal expert Angela Mollard in your Podcast, and refers to several sources from the environment of the Royal family. The Megxit’m especially Duchess Kate a hard time. “You took Harry in tears to the side and tell him that you feel like you would lose a brother,” says Mollard. “She could not hold back their feelings because it hurts, that you have lived so far apart.” to lose

“This loyalty to Harry now, it hurts a lot.”

Before the Duchess Meghan came into the life of the Prince, had been Kate is Harry’s closest female reference person. According to the expert, Harry had referred to it always as the sister he never had. “Kate comes from a family in which a close bond was always the most important thing,” said Mollard. “To lose this tie Harry now, it hurts a lot.”

But not even Queen Elizabeth II (93) could Harry be dissuaded from his Plan. As a source recently revealed to Harry his grandmother have his resignation plans notified by E-Mail. That you and his father Prince Charles (71) it then asked to have to rush, have Harry and Meghans consolidated decision.

Trump is the Couple are not welcome

During the last few weeks, the couple began their new life in Canada. In the meantime, you are drawn to the area because of the Coronavirus to Los Angeles. Even there, they were not received with open arms: U.S. President Donald Trump stressed from the outset that the United States will not pay for any Security measures for Harry and Meghan. (klm)