Is just a funeral: a pastor about Corona-Horror in Wolfsburg old age home

Deep and grey slopes on Monday evening the clouds above the participants mountain. It has snowed at this cool, the penultimate day of March. But the spring break train. From the dark branches of beech trees, seems to be in a three-storey residential complex made of concrete grow, shimmers already a first hint of Green.

About 165 predominantly people with dementia for seniors living in this home. But 17 of them will not experience this spring. The Coronavirus has been taken. Within a few days.

chaplain struggles to be replaced by

Michaela Keitel knows as well as all residents of the facility. For the past 21 years, the pastor takes care of the pastoral care in the Hanns-Lilje-care home, operated by the Diakonisches Werk. She has already experienced much in these years. “But 17 Dead in just a few days – that is, even for an old-age home an awful lot. This is an incredible tragedy,“ tried the priest in an interview with FOCUS Online, to describe the situation with simple words.

Diakonisches Werk pastor Michaela Keitel, chaplain in the wolf Burger, Hanns-Lilje-home.

On the 23. March died the first inhabitants of a Covid-infection, on Thursday and Friday and a further four to six on the weekend, and two came the now on Monday. More than half of the population has been infected with the Virus.

A large part of the inhabitants was as difficult to appropriate, that they can collected the Happen difficult, says Keitel. “What has the staff, and my heart is broken, was the Moment they had to be included.” Because of the contact with each other, the constant, familiar discover faces re -, the constant work with the carers for people with dementia is of Central importance. “And you understand that you do not have to do without these rituals to a large extent.”

seniors Hiking, singing in the stairwell

How the nursing staff they also try to improvise in your Visit as good as possible. What is not so easy when you put sweating for hours under a protective clothing, mouth protection, protective goggles and a hood on the head, and must bear the entire staff. Classic worship services are at this time not possible. “We broadcast it over speakers in the rooms of the residents.”

Two elderly ladies who met recently in this Elevator, and I knew, would have joked, you look like a “Marsianerin,” says pastor Keitel. The two would have grieved bored because of the entertainment ban. Therefore, they have proposed to you to do with her but “a kind of travel to Mars” – and in the stairwell. “I went with them a couple of Times up and down. We have ‘Which is sung by Hiking the Miller’s pleasure’. You made a lot of fun.“ After a short time they were quite exhausted and had asked to be brought back to their homes.

pastor stunned over allegations of “negligent homicide”

her second concern applies to the employees, the care staff who sacrifice themselves literally for the residents. “You are exhausted, make layers, which take much longer than usual, because a number of colleagues because of their children must stay home”. Even more surprising, it was, “how much adrenaline is released, despite all the Overload for the employees, free for the trying, in spite of all the difficulties coming through”.

What you need to do, however, stunned to be levied with heavy charges of “negligent homicide”. A wolf Burger, a lawyer, raised him on Monday in a criminal complaint against the leadership of the diakonia because of alleged hygiene failings. Workers should have, among other things, on the Lack of respiratory protection masks, complained, reported the “wolf Burger-General”. The Prosecutor’s office is currently examining the display. “I can’t understand these accusations and I have a high appreciation for what concerns the use of nurses to residents.”

dpa, A coffin stands in the courtyard of the Hanns-Lilje-home for the aged

farewell to the impossible: “only to pick up and burial place of the”

Also Aussegnungen could no longer be as usual, with the relatives of the Deceased held. This would have no opportunity to take it before the burial of their relatives farewell. Members are allowed the nursing home during the epidemic of security reasons, enter. “We come because of the many death after cases with our work. It’s almost just pick up and burial.“

chapel worship services since the age of 16. March no longer possible, regardless of whether the deceased would be cremated or erdbestattet, what is in the moment, “hardly the case”, says the chaplain of the Hanns-Lilje-home. Organ music before the burial is thus also not possible, because burials are likely to take place due to the risk of Infection is now only in small groups and under the open sky.

But, fortunately, the organist of the funeral municipalities are quite flexible, so rare on music dispensed should be: “There are several that play in addition to the organ, flute and trumpet.”

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