Korona-mortality in Norway so far: 0.6 per cent

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– the Mortality rate is very low compared to what we have seen in many other countries, when counting up toward the number of infected. But then it is such that we must reckon with the fact that this mortality comes long after the time one has gotten the disease, i.e. 3-4 weeks, says medical director Frode Forland of the Norwegian institute of public health (FHI) to the NTB.

Thus, the number that come to rise.

According to the latest dagsrapporten to FHI Monday, 4.226 people been shown koronasmitte in Norway, while 26 people had died of the virus on Monday morning. It gives a mortality rate of 0,615 per cent – 1 of 162 infected die.

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Forland in FHI is clear that it is too early to draw any conclusions out of this ratio.

– There is a low percent. We have previously estimated that the mortality rate can be between 0.2 and 1 per cent, so it is within the interval, ” he says.

Which signals can be read out of the numbers that have come so far on mortality?

– It is not a very abrupt increase. Seen in relation to what we have seen in Italy, so this is much less alarming, what we now see, ” he says.

Number of tests

In Italy it is recorded over 101.000 infected, according to Worldometers , while there are 11.591 died. It gives a mortality rate of around 11 per cent. In Spain is the mortality rate at around 8 per cent.

There are several sources of error and factors that come into play on the registered dødsraten. Naturally enough, the number of tested be an important factor. Health authorities assume that many people have had the disease without having had it proven.

Probably is the mortality rate lower than that reported, because there are many unknown, who also has mild illness, ” says acting assistant director Espen Nakstad of the ministry of Health.

So far, 87.191 people been tested for covid-19 in Norway, which puts us in the world when it comes to the number of tests. On average, 4 percent tested positive.

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Nakstad says that the mortality in Norway so far also appears to be relatively low if you only look at the patients who receive intensive care.

But it may be related to the age groups which primarily have been placed in hospitals in Norway. In the first phase of infection, bore the stamp of to be patients infected in Italy, and they were in the so-called middle ages. Now it bears more the appearance of persons in the slightly higher age, ” he says.

Snittalderen on the seam has died of the virus so far in Norway, is 85 years.

Nakstad points out that the mortality rate depends largely on if one has a treatment capacity of all who are infected. In some countries, the mortality rate has gone sharply up also for other patient groups, because health care is not working as it should, ” he says.

– We would like to avoid both in Norway. We want to avoid unnecessary deaths with koronavirus, and we will avoid that other patients suffer from that health care provider can’t treat them, ” says Nakstad, which therefore points out that it is important to continue with the strict smittevernstiltakene.

He also emphasises that it is too early to draw final conclusions about dødsraten in Norway.

Lower for the flu

on average, die approximately 900 people of sesonginfluensa in Norway annually. The mortality rate for normal influensasykdom is between 0,1 and 0.2, according to Frode Forland in FHI.

– This is mostly people who have a different basic underlying disease, but that die through the winter season, probably of influenza, ” he says.

NB! FHIs last dagsrapport based on the number of deaths until at 9 on Monday morning and the number of infected until midnight the night of Monday. Since that time, it is reported that six new koronadødsfall, a total of 32. At 15 on Monday, had the number of infected has increased by 50 since midnight.

Adds the latest numbers to the reason, you get a mortality rate of 0.75 per cent.


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