After Corona-infection died: Portugal mourns the death of Vitor Godinho (14)

Maceda (Portugal) – He was young, fit and loved Sport. On Sunday morning, Vitor is dead Rafael Bastos Godinho (14). According to matching media reports he was sick with the Corona. Whether the Virus is for the death of the boy responsible is still being investigated. He would be the youngest victim of Covid-19 in Europe.

Godinho is said to have been brought on Saturday to a hospital, reported “A Televisao” on its website. The Teenager had several pre-existing conditions, more according to the Portal. Among other things, he did not suffer from auto-immune disease. This aggravates the virus of the disease.

“rest in peace Champion”, with these words, the Posting by the cultural and recreation center Maceda ends. Godinho has played Futsal, a variant of indoor football. It is Manhã, according to the Portuguese newspaper “Correio da” the sixth death in the small municipality of Ovar (around 17 000 inhabitants).