money, volunteers, protective masks: The helpers in front of the place it is missing almost everything – and yet they toil in the chord. The MOPO was on site and spoke with the Team.

Saturday morning shortly after 10 o’clock. In the CaFée mit Herz at the Seewarte street 10 St. Pauli hectic busy pace. Food is made hot, plates are stacked, drinks refilled. The CaFée mit Herz on power for the first Time in its 20-year history at the weekend.

in Front of the door, right next to the stairs, sitting and standing about 15 to 20 people in a long, twisted lock, as known from the airport, and wait. The fact that the six-member Team to the Board of management Thomas Princess tiara Belle with the food issue starts. Goulash with rice from the day before from the Baier dorfer canteen there is. Everything that is here disclosed, comes before as a donation to the volunteers.

the homeless in the CaFée mit Herz in the Corona-crisis

And that’s exactly where the Shoe pinches: to protect yourself from infection, you may not accept a lot of donations, explains Thomas Princess tiara Belle in an interview with MOPO. “The fact that the panel and others restrict their offer, we have volume at the moment is an increased Guests. Money donations would help us the most,“ said Princess tiara Belle.

Although the limit works, do you want to try it until further notice without further human help. After a call for help in the MOPO had responded to the many volunteers that wanted to help the Team. However, in order to keep the risk of Infection is low, it was decided, for the time being in the current occupation, to continue to work, says Princess tiara Belle.

“We felt abandoned by the city”

the care of homeless and not in need of such Not a matter for the city? In fact, says Princess tiara Belle, “we felt at some point something is actually left alone. Now, we are in a very close cooperation with the social Senator.“ You are pleased nevertheless about the actions to follow in the coming weeks.

another issue is security. The Team is lacking in terms of protection at almost all. It was returned to the real economy, says Princess tiara Belle and have to laugh. On the site where the CaFée with heart, is in the strenous exchange with local companies to get gloves and hygiene products.

protection also provides the modified concept: where people usually get inside in the dining room, your meal, other than the helpers currently no one. Via a lock of the needy to be guided in front of a window of the hall, out of the food and Drink is dealt. Emergency makes inventive.

“This is my hero”

What is the Board of management Thomas Princess tiara Belle is particularly important: “I would like to get rid of a very very big Thank you to the many helpers, who stay here, are there every day and hold the position. It is always asked after the heroes of everyday life: these are my heroes.“

The MOPO supports the CaFée mit Herz as a part of the action “The Hamburger We.” In the past week, 10 cents were received from each sold issue to the device. During the Corona-crisis, the MOPO supports a week, for a variety of facilities and institutions that are dependent in this difficult time to support.

This article was written by Olivier David, Magnus Bonacker

FOCUS-Online-action #corona care: Germany helps!

The Corona-pandemic restricts the everyday life of the people in Germany. Especially for vulnerable groups such as seniors, everyday tasks are associated with a risk of infection. Therefore, now asked for solidarity! FOCUS Online has therefore launched the campaign “#corona care: Germany helps”. With you! All of the information you find here.

I need help I want to help published Wants to

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*The contribution “In the fight against Corona: a cafe with heart in St. Pauli homeless” will help of Mopo. Contact with the executives here.
