Baden-Württemberg: police must Corona several parties quit

Heilbronn Maybe the spring weather was to blame, perhaps also the urge to sociability: Despite sharp restrictions and public exhortations, the police celebrate at the weekend, several so-called Corona-parties, a Garden, and even a Meeting in a Shisha Bar dissolved, and hundreds of people are displayed.

The Mannheim police registered on Saturday alone, 264 violations of the infection law for the protection, against around 250 people penalty proceedings and criminal proceedings.

interior Minster Thomas Strobl, called for reporting any violations of the rules of the police. “I think it’s fine if the people are vigilant,” said the CDU politician on Monday in the case of IMAGE. It is going to slow down the spread of the disease and to save people’s lives. “If there is Stubborn, deliberately or negligently, against that, our security agencies know this so that you can stop this.”

Particularly amazed must have been the police officers had to intervene on Saturday afternoon at a picnic on the A6: “On the green strip of the Tank, and rearset Hockenheim-West had left about 25 people traveling, and a sumptuous picnic organized”, police said. Also has three garden parties in Heidelberg, Germany, Hemsbach and harsh mountain (both in Rhein-Neckar-Kreis) as well as a Leimen garage party prepared civil servants to an end.