a car driver from St. Wendel road There, travelled with his car on the local admiration of Wendelin and wanted to turn to the left in the Beethovenstaße. As a result of excessive speed was not the man, however. He drove over a traffic island and damaged a road sign and was also significant damage to his vehicle. The car driver fled afterwards from the accident. Since his tire was damaged and the vehicle also, also, Oil lost, he had to his escape after a short time, also his escape route was through the Oil well. So he could be by the police in St.-turn after a short time encountered. It was found that the man was under the influence of alcohol. As he should be spent to further police action to service, he began to fight back physically against this measure and had to be multiple police forces with forced service. Now is calculated against the man and not just because of hit-and-run, but also because resistance against enforcement officials.
questions from media representatives, please contact:
Polizeiinspektion Sankt Wendel WND – ESD Mommstraße 37-39 66606 St. Wendel phone: 06851/8980 E-Mail: pi-st-wendel@polizei.slpol.de Internet: www.polizei.saarland.de Twitter: https://twitter.com/polizeisaarland?lang=de Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/Polizei.Saarland
Additional Material: https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/138507/4560412 OTS: Polizeiinspektion Sankt Wendel
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