Coronavirus in Germany: What happened when? The Chronology!

For two months, the grass, the Coronavirus magnetized in Germany.

41 days, 12 hours and 40 minutes elapse from the date of notification of the first infection in Bavaria up to the sad certainty: The first Corona-deaths in this country, a woman (89) from food. In the next few weeks to follow: border closures, contact restrictions, short-time work – complete uncertainty!

IMAGE shows a German Corona-chronology – the most important data.

28. January 2020, 0.04 at: The German press Agency reports that in the night of Monday to Tuesday, the first infection with the novel Coronavirus in Germany. A staff member (33) of the automotive supplier Webasto from the district of Starnberg (Bavaria, Germany) is infected. He has a Chinese colleague, and has only mild symptoms and is treated in the Klinikum Schwabing (Munich, Germany).

Later, it is known that in this chain of infection 14 people have been infected. The Webasto headquarters is temporarily closed. By the end of February, all the victims are healthy again.

An air force-Airbus with Wuhan returnees lands on 1. February in Frankfurt/main, photo: Jürgen Mahnke

1. February: The German armed forces brings for the first Time, German citizens and their relatives from the Corona epicenter in Wuhan (China). The air force-Airbus “Kurt Schumacher” ends up with more than 120 passengers in the afternoon at the airport of Frankfurt/Main. Corona-the Infected come to a hospital, the other returnees must be 16 until. February in the Rhine Palatinate, barracks, Germersheim in quarantine.

11. February: The new lung disease from China is called by the WHO, “Covid-19”. The Virus gets the name of Sars-CoV-2.

15. February: In Gangelt (Kreis Heinsberg) there will be a carnival meeting. What suspects at this time, nobody: Two participants are infected with the Coronavirus. A 47-year-old entrepreneur and his wife (46) put on this Saturday, a number of other people. From now on, the Virus (incubation period spreading up to two weeks) on the reduction in NRW.