The weekend has shown time and time again: The shopping of daily needs, needs more time. The Corona of the necessary metering System of the stores greetings. On Saturday morning it means the number of Coop to get to the inlet. Two-Meter distance also applies to the Migros at the checkout, and then eventually once the Goods onto the conveyor belt. Even in the afternoon, the customers are out to the discounters Aldi by far – well-behaved snake, until you are then left in the stores.

Also on the Internet stockts. and are being overrun. The Online stores have high demand due to the Corona-crisis, and how to VIEW reported time and again. Although Coop and Migros also have for your Online customers enough food and drinks to the camp and hamster purchases are out of place.

Nevertheless, customers tear delivery dates. In the case of the two big Online sellers, it can take up to 10 days to be able to take the ordered products at home in reception.

night owls to land full hits

Clever SIGHT-readers have placed on Lauer. And that is precisely observed when the food Online Shops of Coop and Migros delivery of your new window in the power grid. Example Of Here, two weeks in advance of the delivery window to choose from. “The next day is always turns on at midnight up,” writes Franz Müller* from St. Gallen the VIEWS.

As he will have more readers at midnight at on the prowl placed.

A writes: On Thursday, 26. In March, the Migros to 0.01 PM delivery window for the 9. April unlocked. Despite the onslaught, many of them came, apparently, he, too, ran to a window.

the night before, however, according to other reports, these were window already Ran to 0.04 PM, so just under four minutes later, fully booked.

Coop@home checks staggered intrusion

a Similar experience reader make Also there is the advantage, who’s awake at night. Whether the retailer for its food shop want to regularly, at midnight, a new time window for the delivery is intruding, VIEW from the Coop know. It follows neither a confirmation nor a denial. Telling the answer is yet. “Coop is currently considering a staggered reporting of delivery dates”, said Coop spokeswoman Marilena Baiatu.

Also, Migros does not want to comment officially at the time of the activation dates. This is different from Region to Region. “We are constantly adding new delivery window,” says Migros spokesman Marcel Schlatter. Currently, the delivery window to be fully booked for the next two weeks. “A lot of customers that have purchased up to now, in the stores, to go to the top of Leshop,” explains Schlatter.

retailers want Online capacity

expand the Migros one is working on the Expansion of capacity. With a closer cooperation with the big Migros distribution center in Suhr AG, the managers also want the stock of increase. In the meantime, to please the clientele in order to understanding for the extraordinary Situation, according to Schlatter.

What does rival Coop, the online channel will also be overrun just by customers? Coop CEO Joos Sutter (55) speaks in an Interview with the “Sonntagszeitung” of a sales-doubling in the case of “The turnover could increase fivefold, but also, if we had the capacity.” The demand was several times higher than the capacity in logistics. brings reduced Online quote

The solution to Sutter sees in a 100 items reduced Online assortment. “Towards the end of next week, customers can select at Coop@home, this reduced offer. Only if we reduce the article number, we can increase our capacity.” Only the customer come currently fast to his delivery. Sutter speaks of a few days. Who selects products from across the range of over 11’000 articles, have to wait up to ten days.

The question now is whether the Online clientele joining in on the 100 articles reduced-Coop-offer.

*Name changed by the editors


The Coronavirus currently holds the world in suspense. Many countries are taking measures such as Closing schools or limiting public events, to prevent the spread. In Switzerland, too, the grass, the Virus magnetized. All of the current information and Figures around the topic there is in the Coronavirus-Ticker.

protection against Coronavirus

recommendations of the Federal office for health, how you can protect yourself:


wash your hands: Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use a Hand sanitizer. Don’t sneeze, you Sneeze into the hands, or cough in a handkerchief; or if you have none, in the bend of your elbow. Handkerchiefs to dispose of properly: paper towels, should be disposed of after use in a closed waste bin. You stay in fever and cough necessarily at home.

contact minimize

Stay home and avoid wherever possible contact with people. You go only in the following exceptional situations, out of the house: the food doctor shopping or pharmacy visit / the home office is for your job not possible / you have to help other people. You keep if possible 2 meters distance to your fellow human beings, for example, in a line or at meetings. Avoid contact with people breathing or have a cough. You avoid public transport. You can be all that is possible to home deliver. Important: No welcome kiss, no hugs, no shaking hands.

stay Informed

Note the local instructions and recommendations. Strictly to the rules and announcements of the authorities. Infoline Coronavirus: 058 463 00 00, 24 hours a day available Info-page of the BAG: bag-coronavirus.

when should the ch one to the doctor?

do not Go out in the symptoms (difficulty breathing, cough, or fever) in the Public and contact you immediately – first by phone, a Doctor, a doctor or a health care facility.


remains The Situation until Further notice. The Federal government informed in regular intervals about the current developments. It applies now more than ever: peace and quiet preserved, and the thing in common to serve.