No tourists, Hotels, billion loss: So hard hitting the Corona-crisis now Mallorca

The silence is striking. No Rattling of cups from the cafes, not a multilingual murmur of the otherwise at each corner of installed terraces of Mallorca’s capital. The streets and squares of the old town of Palma, have become extinct.

The strict curfew, the reigns for a good two weeks in Spain, has not only the Goings-on of the Locals a temporary end. Meanwhile, the last of the tourists, who spent in the proclamation of the state of emergency here on holiday are left.

How long will it take until the First return, which, these days, is the big question. The Virus shows that the great strength of the island, your biggest is also a weak point. “Much of our economy depends directly or indirectly on tourism – the Balearic Islands one of the regions of Spain, the crisis is most severely affected by the economic consequences of the Corona,” says Economist Antoni Riera. Exciting, but just no time?

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Coronavirus given Mallorca’s tourism industry total loss

The Professor has calculated how high the losses caused by the mandatory closure of all the Hotels on the four Islands. As a basis for calculation, the Figures of March, April and may of 2019, served him. The total loss is therefore equivalent to 1,4 billion Euro, the lack of now in the pockets of Hoteliers, transport companies and restaurant owners.

“unlike in industrial economies, it will take significantly longer until the economy gets back in gear: It’s the first to demand”, explains Riera, the German press Agency. And it is precisely this demand, he does not so quickly come back. He feared a long-lasting fear of the holidaymakers against travelling by plane, he also predicts a greater economy to the consumer, which will have a particular impact on the travel budget.

From this travel budget depends on the daily bread of many locals. The estimates of the state government that 200,000 workers are affected by short-time work, the Union estimates UGT, that 400,000 people, 80 percent of all workers in the Balearic Islands, will be dependent on government assistance. Seasonal workers, whose contracts are now available on the game, the self-employed, the orders collapse, domestic helpers, their salaries can no longer afford to have families in the future – enumerates the list, the UGT spokeswoman Ana Köhler, is a long one.

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All of the Hotels in Majorca are closed

among the directly Concerned in those hotel staff who had been at the beginning of March and we should see that again and were sent home. Since last Thursday, all the Hotels are closed in Mallorca. 13, the hotel owner, made from your Not a virtue: they donated to the in German holiday-makers the popular Playa de Palma, a total of three tons of non-perishable food to relief organizations. Also hygiene articles such as this these days difficult to demand toilet paper were. The Majorcan hotel Federation FEHM was also in solidarity and donated gloves, mouth protection masks, rubbing alcohol and shower caps to hospitals.

dpa Deserted the beach of El Arenal. Usually the season starts at Easter in Mallorca.

only a Hotel in Palma is Open, along with six accommodation for the use of forces from the mainland currently. The “Palma Bay” at the Convention centre was converted by the health authorities to an Alternate hospital. The capacities in the hospitals of Mallorca are not enough, could be treated up to 250 easily diseased patients now there.

Currently it looks not so, as this case would occur: The Spain-wide comparison, the Balearic Islands, both in the number of Infected and the deaths at the lower end of the scale. 37 Dead, around 1000 patients and at least 100 patients who are already healthy again, recorded the Islands on Monday. The number of new Infections is also declining. More to the Coronavirus

Hardly more flights from and to Majorca

The island’s location could help to get the Virus under control more rapidly than elsewhere. Ferry and flight connections are reduced to an absolute Minimum. At Palmas airport, where in the main season the machine every few minutes to land, there are currently almost a dozen Links to the mainland and to the rest of Europe.

But it has the advantage to be able to quickly foreclose, also carries the disadvantage of being on the flight connections to depend on. “We have just developed the first months of a new track plan is now obsolete,” complains Andreu Serra. The Department head for tourism of the island Council of Mallorca, the precarious situation of many Airlines, can have a devastating impact on the island’s tourism. Each week provides you FOCUS Online with the most important news from the Department trip. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

A change in the advertising strategy, the championing in the past few years because of Overcrowding in summer, the low season, there are still. “Maybe you need to readjust a little bit, depending on when the season actually starts. But we want to be as all-year destination position, it is possible to enjoy Sport, gastronomy and culture.”

The Concerns of the Economist Antoni Riera about an impending trip-aversion does not share Serra. “We have crisis after the 11. September 2001, survived, we will survive this crisis.” Piece-by-piece will also return to Corona, the desire to travel. To the care to which they are attracted by the island’s Parliament just a Online has launched-campaign. The Motto: “Mallorca is waiting for you, once this is all over”. When exactly that will be, the Optimist, Serra ventures, but not to predict.

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