The number of koronadødsfall in Sweden has increased to 146

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Over 4,000 swedes have been shown covid-19, stated statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell during a press conference Monday. The freshest figures show that the disease up to now has claimed 146 lives in Sweden.

– It may look like a huge jump from yesterday, but that’s because it has been weekend and one has not been registered, ” says Tegnell.

According to the statsepidemiologen it is older people over-represented in the sykdomsstatistikken.

– We see that there is a high overrepresentation of people of 80-90 years. It is the same pattern that we have seen in other countries, ” he says.

Tegnell says that sykdomskurven in Sweden still pointing up, but at the same time that the number of people who have been hospitalized now be printed.

Tegnell: – Succeed quite well

Sweden has chosen a different strategy than neighbouring countries, where it has not been introduced equally strong measures. While Norway has introduced a ban on travel in the cabin and keeps the kindergartens and schools closed, keeps the Swedish bars, restaurants and gyms are still open.

questions from the audience about the Swedish health authorities can guarantee that they will not see the same scenario as in Spain and Italy, responding Tegnell.

SUCCESSFUL: despite the increase of the number of dead and infected believe statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell that Sweden has succeeded quite well so far.

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/tt / NTB scanpix

– We have out a number of number of recommendations to prevent infection enters on the elderly, but it is impossible that they are one hundred percent secure. Than as long as I think we have succeeded quite well in Sweden. But the better we get local to work with this, the better this insulation of older work.

Swedish korona strategy: – Typically Swedish – the Storm increases

According to the director Björn Eriksson, in the Region of Stockholm, there is no sign that the increase in the need for hospitals places is slower.

In the same way as in the chinese city of Wuhan, where koronapandemien began to be built there is now a makeshift hospital in Stockholm. Field hospital in Älvsjömässan to eventually get 600 slots.

Already in the course of a week may be required to take field hospital in the use.

– We can now say that the storm is here and that it increases in strength. The trend is very clear, and it is that the need for treatment is increasing rapidly day by day, ” says Eriksson.

the health authority stipulates that the ambitions of big save with smittevernsutstyr is lowered, and that it’s all about betting on the acute need.

High unemployment

From 1. march 29. march has 36800 persons registered unemployed. According to SVT, this number is usually around 3000 people a month.

Hotels and restaurant accounts for about 40 per cent of the cases. The numbers are the highest in Sweden ever.

– Before koronakrisen had unemployed started to increase due to fluctuations in the economy. In march, we see that it is closer to 38.000 who have registered as unemployed. It is not dramatic yet, ” says analysis supervisor Annika Sundén in Arbetsförmedlingen.

a total Of 211.000 swedes unemployed, while in Norway, is over 300,000 unemployed.

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