Russian human rights activists have opened a hotline for victims of domestic violence in strict isolation

Russian human rights activists have opened a hotline for victims of domestic violence in strict isolation

Russian human rights activists have opened a hotline for victims of domestic violence in strict isolation Russian human rights activists have opened a hotline for victims of domestic violence in strict isolation.

Russian human rights organization “Area law” has opened a hotline for victims of domestic violence in the mode of self-isolation. Human rights activists noted that in a number of countries on the background of the introduction of stringent quarantine already noted a surge of violence in the family, but in Russia, such statistics are not maintained.

“meanwhile, crisis centres began to receive reports of domestic violence after the introduction of the regime of self-isolation. “Area law” is ready to provide free legal support to the victims,” – said in the organization. Victims of domestic violence can assert themselves at +7 (917) 897-60-55 (WhatsApp, Telegram).

About the increased risk of domestic violence in terms of compulsory quarantine and isolation had previously warned the UN special Rapporteur on violence against women Dubravka Simonovic. She noted that such facts are already recorded in the police reports and hotlines.

“For a large number of women and children in the home can be a place of fear and abuse. This situation is significantly exacerbated in the case of full isolation and quarantine imposed during a pandemic COVID-19” – said Simonovic (ciata by RIA “Novosti”).

Defenders have noticed that the number of references to them and to the police increases during long holidays. Quarantine creates similar conditions. “The aggressor cannot be distracted by other issues, cases. He constantly produced programthey had the object of violence. And the victim has no opportunity to avoid the society of his tormentor. Today we are faced with cases where victims are afraid to pack up and leave for fear of violence – the aggressor literally will not go out of the house”, – told “Izvestia” head of the Center for protection of victims of family violence lawyer Mari Davtyan.

in addition, in times like this abuser become even more aggressive: due to coronavirus and quarantine of canceled vacation plans, the problems begin with the work, people are suffering. A means of solace remains of the alcohol. About a possible increase of violence in families and warned the Chairman of the Duma Committee on family, women and children by Oksana Poushkina. In her opinion, the conflicts in the isolation mode can also occur in families where early aggression was not.

“Under increased load of law enforcement, whose job today is completely focused on maintaining order, and ambulances specifically working with ill, the fate and lives of victims of domestic violence may move to the second or third plan. And the infamous phrase “I’ll kill you-I’d describe” can be fatal for most, isolated the elderly, women and children,” said Pushkin in an interview with radio station “Moscow speaking”.

In the UK, the regime of isolation is allowed to break, if a person has become and believes that it can become a victim of domestic violence. The Minister of internal Affairs of the United Kingdom Priti Patel said that following the situation and help the victims will be the same. For them there is a hot line and shelters are open.

a Surge of cases of domestic violence recorded in Montenegro. In March, the number of calls to the national hot line increased by 20%. In China, where quarantine was introduced in January, the number of victims of family violence compared to last year has tripled. On 27 March, the Minister of internal Affairs of France Christophe Castaner reported that the incidence of family fights that required the intervention of gendarmerie forces, for the week increased by 32%. In the area of responsibility of the prefect of police of Paris the figure is even higher – 36%.

Deputy interior Minister of Ukraine Ekaterina Pavlichenko called to inform the police about cases of domestic violence. She noted that the risk in connection with the quarantine are not only families, where previously there were cases of domestic violence, but also those who have temporarily lost work or earnings, families with complex financial or living situation or family where there are elderly or disabled.