Corona: About 70’000 people acquisition have requested a replacement – look

The Run was huge: More than 70’000 self-employed, working parents, and people in quarantine have been applied for in the last days of a Corona-compensation. The conference of the cantonal compensation funds with shares.

The application form is available for a week online. Due to the huge influx of people, the Server was collapsed. In the meantime, for more login channels could be opened, say it in a message to the Compensation Fund.

“We will have to reject thousands of applications”

to claim to have money, however, only the self-employed, whose Shop had to be closed by the Federal Council, Assembly, and who is unable to work because of the event, prohibition, therefore, artists. Taxi drivers, self-employed graphic designer or a carpenter who has hardly more customers go empty-handed.

“Many of you will be very disappointed and statements want,” says Andreas Dummermuth, President of the conference of cantonal Compensation offices to VIEW. “We in Switzerland will have to reject thousands of applications.” Dummermuth signaled understanding for the displeasure of those who are left out in the cold. For the Compensation Fund is clear: “This debate needs to be politically led.”

The self-employed, get no money, is currently only to apply to the Federal an emergency loan, or going to the welfare office.

First payments hopefully by mid-April

in Addition to self-employed parents are entitled to support. Here, but there are also limitations: Only mothers and fathers whose children are under 12 years old, and now can not work, because you need to take care of the children, have a claim. In addition, persons in quarantine can apply for your compensation Fund support.

The compensation is paid retroactively. You do everything so first payouts center could be aligned to the end of may, the promise of a compensation funds.