Russia introduces fines of up to one million rubles for violators of quarantine measures of the regime of self-isolation

Russia introduces fines of up to one million rubles for violators of quarantine measures of the regime of self-isolation

the Government of the Russian Federation at the morning meeting on 30 March approved the amendments toughening responsibility for violation of the quarantine, which operates from Monday on the territory of Moscow and Moscow region.

“Now our main goal is to be proactive and to minimize the spread of the virus,” said Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at the meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers.

Especially for violators of quarantine measures isolation mode in the administrative violations Code introduced the following amendments for administrative penalties
from 15 to 40 thousand rubles for citizens;
from 50 to 150 thousand rubles for officials;
– from 200 to 500 thousand rubles for legal persons;
– from 150 to 300 thousand rubles for citizens if non-compliance with quarantine measures became infected and died, another person (from 300 to 500 thousand for officials and from 500 thousand to one million rubles for legal persons).

will be Fine until only those who had contact with carriers of the coronavirus and is not isolated itself.

Fined until the violation of which is on the isolation of Russians older than 65 years.

the state Duma Committee on state construction and legislation has already approved the second reading amendments to the administrative code to strengthen accountability for violation of the quarantine.

the Regions were also instructed to study the introduction of on-the-ground measures similar to those adopted in Moscow and the Moscow region.

the meeting decided that the government in the current situation in the first place will support the most affected industries: auto and airline companies, companies from the entertainment industry, catering and tourism.

Payments on loans already taken the small and medium business will be postponed for six months.