The united STATES assumed våpenbutikkar as critical infrastructure

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This goes out of the site to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the ministry of domestic security. The debt factories that produce weapons and ammunition, plus shops, importørar, distributørar and shooting ranges.

Other examples of critical infrastructure are energy supply, food production, naudetatane, government apparatus, transportation, and healthcare.

It is clear that this is an advisory list from the central government to the administration and politicians at the municipal, county and state level during the pandemic.

the Pressure from våpengrupper

Weapons were not included on the original list of the Trump administration assumed as critical infrastructure. The change on the list, which was made Saturday, came after several våpenlobbygrupper had faith delstatsstyresmaktene in California to go to court to prevent våpenbutikkar was closed.

the Governor of California, Gavin Newson, says that it is up to the 58 counties in the state of about våpenbutikkar will be held open.


They think that this is in violation of the so-called “second amandment” in the u.s. constitution, regarding the right to bear arms and to defend themselves.

Interessegruppa “Gun owner’s of America” (American våpeneigarar) says in a declaration that they are happy that Trump administration not look away from the the right to to keep themselves under the state of emergency in connection with the pandemic.

Want to decide for yourselves

the Governor of California, Gavin Newson, says according to the nyheitsbyrået AP that each of the 58 counties in the state of themselves to determine if they are on the våpenbutikkar as so important that they should be open to the public.

Last week came the message that våpenbutikkar all over the united STATES marked a great interest of fear of the pandemic. Many of them now have strøymt to våpenbutikkane is characterised as førstegongskjøparar.

the Reason is probably the fear of increased crime as a result of the virusutbrotet.

the united STATES, and especially New York City, hard hit by the koronaviruset. President Donald Trumps premier smittevernekspert, Anthony Fauci, fryktar that several million people may be suffering from the virus, and that over 100,000 may die.

so Far, well 124.000 suffering and 2231 died in the united STATES.

– the Mafia doing everything they can to earn money on the korona

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