The ministry of foreign affairs will send special flights to Peru

Sunday night is 274 danes registered in the ministry of foreign affairs krisedatabase as stranded in Peru.

the Ministry of foreign affairs will on the night of Thursday the 2. april send special flights to Peru’s capital Lima to retrieve the stranded danes home.

It informs the Ministry of foreign affairs in a press release.

Sunday night is 274 danes registered in the ministry of foreign affairs krisedatabase as stranded in Peru.

Særflyet to help so many stranded danes as possible back home to Denmark.

Peru has been the absolute most difficult country to get out of for the Danish traveller, says foreign minister Jeppe Kofod in the press release.

– Therefore, I am relieved and glad that it now seems to be able to succeed in getting a Danish special flights off.

He emphasizes at the same time, there are still a great many things that must fall into place before he can safely say, that the plan will succeed.

– I also can’t guarantee that this special flights will be the solution for all the stranded danes in Peru, he says.

If the last pieces of the puzzle fall into place, will særflyet be sent in cooperation with SAS, the Danish Travel agency Association and the Profile of the Travel.

All the danes in the krisedatabasen get the message about how they can buy tickets via push-messages and sms from the Ministry of foreign affairs, as well as information about the possible transport from other cities in Peru.

the Ministry of foreign affairs informs on Twitter about how you can obtain ticket to særflyet from Peru to Denmark.

the Ticket home costs the traveler 7500 dollars, if you choose the cheapest type.

A total shutdown of the internal infrastructure, air connections and a curfew has made Peru one of the most difficult places to return home from for Danish and european citizens, informs the ministry.

In all, more than 10,000 europeans have been left stranded in Peru, and therefore there is fierce competition to get landing permission in the country.

the Ministry of foreign affairs calls also, therefore all danes in the country, through the ministry gets offered a ticket in another EU country aircraft in the coming days, to take up the offer.
