COVID-19: the main thing Now is to keep themselves and each other

COVID-19: the main thing Now is to keep themselves and each other

9-day self-isolation.

Not everyone is able to rebuild itself. And talked about what the television coverage on Saturday and Sunday. Where the weather was good, people came out to bask in the sun in city parks, courtyards. In the suburbs the smell of kebabs. Many took hours a week, as usual, just a long weekend – to the cottage, walks and other things. Take care of yourself too, need to learn.

And teach us. In the last two days on our family collapsed, without exaggeration, a flurry of attention of Supervisory authorities. I hope that it provided to all quarantined. I decided to check with the inspectors, how many people in the region as we are. A young man, he showed the list to several pages: “Man about 40”. And said that not all sit at home: “Come – and no one else”.

Photo: iStock How to protect children from cyberbullying, while they sit in quarantine

the Control is. We first tried several times to call from the clinic several times and recorded our data and elaborate on health. The next day the doctors came twice.

First, the two young people who were asked to sign the warning about responsibility for the acts or omissions giving rise to the spread of infectious disease. Simply put, for violation of the quarantine.

the document lists the laws and regulations governing the matter. And at the end of said administrative and criminal liability under article 236 of the criminal code. Punishment ranging from fines to imprisonment. “In the case of refusal of admission on a voluntary basis, you will apply measures of forced hospitalization”, – summed up the document that we signed.

the fact that this is serious, testified the recent trial in the court of Prioksky district of Nizhny Novgorod. Two Nizhegorodtsev, Jewsthem in the same apartment with a man who has confirmed a coronavirus, had to send to the hospital under the supervision of the court. Voluntarily surrender to the medics they did not want. Faster, faster we must learn to take care of yourself!

Photo: Rating: look what the Russians quarantined

Gaining the power of volunteering. More and more willing to help with food, medicine and take out the garbage for lonely elderly people who are stuck at home. There are calls to think about the doctors declared charges on the purchase of additional masks to the needy. Here and there, overtaking a map of the spread of coronavirus, spread foci of mutual aid in spite of fear for their own health.

the Virus has forced many to remember that they are not only citizens, workers, unemployed, students, pensioners, men, women, Russians, Chinese, rich, poor, consumers, entrepreneurs – they are still people. We learn to protect each other.

he was unpleasantly struck? This I took when I was trying to find volunteers for trash removal. But never dared to publish such a Declaration. In the district chat, and even parent have been reports on the topic that is to blame “wealthy travelers”, who brought the virus to Russia. I would sit at home – nothing would have happened.

And in the category of enemies you hit automatically as the bearer of the stamp of crossing the border in the passport. Even if saving up for a trip, the company flew in March, the low-cost carrier in the budget of the possible locations in the category of “warm up” because in the summer you let your family holidays at the seaside can’t. Disturbing.

All the pages of the diary read here.