The start of the exam moved to June, enrollment will start later than usual

The start of the exam moved to June, enrollment will start later than usual

In connection with the epidemiological situation are transferred, the timing of the Unified state exam and Basic state exam, – said Kravtsov. – The exam will commence from June 8. Exams for 9th grade – 9th June. Now Rosobrnadzor adjusts the schedule of the exams and publish all relevant guidelines for the regions in the near future.

Photo: iStock How high school teachers are working on “udalenke”

Earlier the exam was scheduled to begin may 25, and OGE – may 22. We will remind, now in all schools which as of March 23, began to move to distance learning and the break has begun, which will last until April 5. Start studying then? The answer to this question, the Ministry of education promises to give in the middle of the week.

Sergey Kravtsov also recalled that the regions are working “hot line” for teachers and parents on any issues of organization of educational process and the Federal “hot line” the Ministry of education. It is available round the clock at number 8 (800) 200-91-85. All information is updated regularly and in a dedicated section on the main page of the official website of the Ministry of education.

by the Way, in June, postponed, and early wave of the exam, which was to start in Russia on March 20. Now about 32 thousand “dosrochnikov”, most of which were the graduates of past years, joined to the main wave.

the Results of the Unified state examination is the basic criterion for admission to universities. So shift and the beginning of the opening campaign.

– the Entrance exams to Russian universities can be transferred because of the situation with coronavirus, – said the Minister of science and higher education Valery Falkov at the next meeting of the working group of the Ministry of education. Script, which is be prepared – moving in the three summer months.

it is possible that academic year in the universities will have to begin September 1, and later.

the Opening campaign in the Russian universities can defer

Now in universities, as well as in schools and in the country as a whole – forced vacation. During this period, the leadership of the universities should provide adequate disinfection of academic buildings and dormitories. “In simple terms, we need to wash body, – said Falkov. And after the holidays will give a more clear answer on the timing of the admissions process”.

Recall that traditionally, the reception of documents from applicants, schools are beginning not later than June 20. But now before the universities is the question of the transition exams in terms of distance mode of study. How to guarantee the result? The Ministry of education plans this summer session to connect to the exams system for face recognition.

In today’s situation, it becomes critically important, – the Minister noted. – By the summer we will have several national operators of the system. I think in April we will start to test it.


Alexander Saibidinov, people’s teacher of Russia, Director of the Tomsk Governor’s Lyceum, Svetly settlement:

the Decision to postpone the exam to a later date doesn’t just shoot hovering in the air a state of uncertainty and anxiety, but in General shows that it’s time to get out of the rigid framework of the final certifications. Because the exam is only measuring knowledge, a very important and significant, but the meter, and not a serious life examination. Real exam is being held in the whole system of world education.


Sunday for the first time in its history in Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov was held a virtual open Day. On the special portal of the applicants met with the rector of the Moscow University academician Viktor Sadovnichy. The huge stage of the Assembly hall of the Main building of MSU, which he usually reads his traditional lecture was replaced by the office of the rector. Also for applicants prepared the virtual a tour of the University, from scientific laboratories and academic buildings to the library.