Corona-crisis: The Supreme Hotelier, Switzerland warns – view

a halt in the tourism industry: The Coronavirus has the economy in the hospitality industry and in the hospitality industry stalled in a matter of days. No one knows how long the Federal Council’s Lockdown is still in progress. Meanwhile, the money goes to the slow. “Not even the strong Swiss franc has added to the industry-such as the Coronavirus,” says Andreas Züllig (61), President of the industry Association Hotelleriesuisse. The situation was serious.

Andreas Züllig: We were on the way to the best winter season in our 30-year history. Then the Virus came. First, we wanted to get the operation up, then had to see, however, that it is. With the government’s Lockdown our Winter went down to the end, and thus 20 percent of our sales to the stream. We speak here of 1.2 million Swiss francs, which I had to write off.

tourism is at a standstill. We may accommodate customers who are, for economic reasons, on-the-go. Engineers or machine builders who need to work. But that is not enough by far to cover the running costs. The Hotels are running out of money. 50 percent of businesses will struggle to settle at the end of April of your bills. The existence of fears are big.

do not Forget: We have just overcome the Euro-shock, had to push our prices to stay in comparison with the near abroad competitive. The result is that the margins fell. In this time, many Hotels were able to create reserves. And those who had something on the high edge, have it invested. Now the money is missing. It is also able to cope with healthy businesses are only hard to come by.

Actually, not at all. International guests, we will see this year, barely. The hope now rests on the local guests. But they are also not bring back the lost sales. In addition, tourism is also to a loosening of the lock downs only slowly in the corridors. We assume that we can switch again in a year to normal operation.

The Federal government has done a good job. Short-time work helps us to cover the largest set of costs – namely, wages. Credits and loans are necessary to the liquidity of the businesses to ensure. At the same time, companies make investments that would need it necessarily. It’s a vicious circle. The aid package the Federal government is good – but it is not enough.

If we have no work, we have to dismantle. Yet, this was not the case. I want to stay confident. We have many regular guests who come back when the crisis is over. This gives us the necessary stability. However, not all Hotels, especially those in structurally weak peripheral regions, to have this advantage. For the it is closely.

Monsieur hospitality industry

The trained chef Andreas Züllig (61) and his wife Claudia since 1991, owner of the hotel Schweizerhof in Lenzerheide, and since 2015, the President of Hotelleriesuisse, the national umbrella Association of the hospitality industry. In this role, he is also on the Board of Economiesuisse and the Swiss trade Association, and Vice President of the Graubünden holiday.


The Coronavirus currently holds the world in suspense. Many countries are taking measures such as Closing schools or limiting public events, to prevent the spread. In Switzerland, too, the grass, the Virus magnetized. All of the current information and Figures around the topic there is in the Coronavirus-Ticker.

I Have the corona virus or just the flu?

The Coronavirus spreads further – also in Switzerland. Especially in the flu season, you can assess for yourself whether one is ill with the Coronavirus, or whether you just have an ordinary flu. The differences are subtle, but they exist. VIEWS is defined.

protection against Coronavirus

recommendations of the Federal office for health, how you can protect yourself:

wash your hands
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use a Hand sanitizer. is Not Sneezing into hands, sneeze
or cough in a handkerchief; or if you have none, in the bend of your elbow. the handkerchiefs to correctly dispose of
paper tissues should be disposed of after use in a closed waste bin. the contact minimize
Avoid contact with people who have difficulty breathing or a cough.
Avoid larger gatherings of people or public transport. To remain as home to the “most important thing of All is up to date”, so that more and more people are infected. You should go only in exceptional cases, Outside. Everything is possible, delivery at home. the Important: no welcome kiss, no hugs, no shaking hands. And always a distance of one Meter to keep. the stay Informed
please Observe the local directives and recommendations. Strictly to the rules and announcements of the authorities. “Who is healthy, and informed, remains in 99 percent of cases, healthy.”
info lines Coronavirus
For the population: 058 463 00 00
For travelers: 058 464 44 88
available: 24 hours a Day when should you to the doctor?
don’t Go any more in case of symptoms (difficulty breathing, cough, or fever) in the Public and immediately contact – first by phone, a Doctor, a doctor or a health care facility. the patience
The Situation will continue until Further notice. Those who feel themselves safe and healthy and, therefore, to the front of the storm, risking to prolong the condition. Therefore, peace preserved, and the thing in common to serve. (SDA)