More than 2000 with the coronavirus have now died in the UNITED states

2010 residents in the UNITED states have now died as a result of the corona virus. A quarter of them in New York City, according to new figures.

the death toll caused by corona virus in the UNITED states has reached 2000.

According to the Johns Hopkins University, who continuously update the smittetilfælde and deaths the world over, are 2010 people in the UNITED states with the coronavirus now dead. About a quarter of them in New York City.

the UNITED states is the country in the world with the most infected. On the night of Sunday, Danish time is thus registered 121.117 infected. 961 is declared healthy again.

the Rise in the UNITED states happens at the same time, the country’s president, Donald Trump, says that he is considering closing the New York and the surrounding area is temporarily down.

– We are considering a variety of initiatives. Some people would like to see New York being put in quarantine, because it is a hotspot. It is not safe, we are going to have it.

– But there is a possibility that at some stage we introduce a short-term quarantine of two weeks in New York, said Trump told reporters Saturday, according to The Guardian.

According to Trump is he considering banning travel into and out of the New York city area to limit the spread of coronavirus from its us epicenter, New York City.

on Saturday evening, local time, informs the acting inspector in the state of New Jersey, Patrick Callahan, to more than 700 police officers in New Jersey have been tested positive for the coronavirus.

It reports NBC News.

New Jersey is the neighbouring state to New York.

Already on Friday, the US was the first country in the world to pass the 100,000 smittetilfælde. And late Thursday night was China overtaken by the UNITED states as the country with the most coronasmittede.

In China, there is hardly 82.000 smittetilfælde, and the country is since Thursday evening has also been overtaken by Italy, who on the night of Sunday, Danish time registered 92.472 smittetilfælde.

In Italy is 10.023 people died, while 12.384 is declared healthy again.

At a news conference Friday, told Trump that he has given permission for, that now can be called people from the military reserve.

It will, according to the president authorize the mobilization of personnel in the health sector.

last week, returning Donald Trump a law, the so-called Defense Production Act.

It is a rarely used law that allows the government in times of crisis, to order the companies to produce certain goods such as medical equipment.

Trump ordered on Friday the carmaker General Motors to produce respirators for use for coronapatienter.
