Known share their positive stories in a corona-time: ‘It’s great to be together with the family’

Illness, cancellations, isolation and a general bad mood. You can easily in a bad mood in this corona-time. Here you get a break, which, hopefully, can ease the mood a little bit.

in Order to make the deprived lives a little more bearable has B. T. asked a number of well-known danes to share some of the positive things that happened to them in these weeks where the country stands still, and the danes keep themselves at home.

Actor and last year’s winner of ‘dancing with the stars’ was just now having toured with the musical ‘The bald hairdresser’, but has instead sought corona-peace in a cottage on the island of Fanø with his family.

“It’s a terrible situation, the whole, but the last couple of weeks on the island of Fanø has been a positive experience. It is great to see how people behave towards each other, keeping the distance in stores and are friendly. It is as if there is a recurrence of ‘we stick together’vibe.”

He adds:

“On the private front, it is great to be with family all the time. It is strange not having to work, but it is the game great to try to be so intensively together with those you love.”

The colourful entrepreneur as a tribute to the prime minister Mette Frederiksen and the health director, Søren Brostrøm, made them as action figures.

“10 years ago I made a actionfigur of myself. Then I saw that there were others who had begun to make such characters, and so I went up to the attic and found some old ‘Lord of the Rings’characters, I had in the boxes,” says Jim Lyngvild.

He adds:

“It’s funny that people take it to themselves and find it amusing, and share it. We are all in the same boat and bored us. It is not difficult to be creative if you have lots of money and going down, and the timber a hobbybutik. The funny thing is, when we are limited. People should just let themselves be inspired by it.”

the Actor says in a mail that he does not have the large report, in addition to it, there great to experience how we are all trying to do something good both for each other and ourselves.

“in Addition, I have built a play set for my kids, haha,” he writes.

the Actor enjoy to have got more time in everyday life with his family.

“I feel first and foremost, to my family teaches each other really knowing. I have two children aged three and eight years, and right now we are experiencing to have a life together in a whole new way. We bake, make things together, and I help with homework, if I can. Though it is challenging, it is extremely touching to see how much my children thrive in having their mother and father every day and not minddst each other.”

He adds:

“in Addition, we have an awesome community in our little farm. We have been living for the last six years in an apartment in Nørrebro, and here are all just so cute and welcoming. Now we are faced with in the evenings on our balconies and sing together.”

Cyron Melville underlines:

“I will not sound like a jubelidiot, and I know there are many people who will be hit hard by it here, but we hold ourselves to the strictly positive, so there is plenty to come after. For example, it is also interesting to see how the climate right now can breath. It must be a wake up call for many, and I hope the politicians can take some of these things with him, when we are over on the other side. I hope of course that I can.”

music producer celebrated along with his wife, influenceren Irina Olsenm their little daughter Allessias five-years-birthday.

Usually invite a lot of people and keeps the big celebration, but due to corona-the situation kept it quite small, just mother, father, daughter, and grandmother, and it was a great success.

“So she got a few Barbie dolls, and it was just luck. She was happy throughout the day. It went up a little for me, that she almost was even happier that it was just relaxed,” says Morten ‘Faustix’ Olsen.

On a run came Simon Talbot over an apartment, where there had been a fire in the balcony. The comedian went immediately to call on people’s doors, so they could come out.

“I felt that we had a community, because right now we the same time have a common enemy in the coronaen. I was just happen to be the first, who saw that there was fire,” he says.

The former ‘dancing with the stars’ and ‘The big bagedyst’-participant must be a grandmother for the first time. It tells the she is proud:

“My daughter and son-in-law has moved to Glyngøre, and now waiting for the to september. I don’t know if it will be a boy or a girl yet, so it’s really exciting.”

the Comedian was on skiing holiday in Austria, as the coronavirus passed in violent outbreaks, and therefore he put himself in the 14-day quarantine alone in a cottage in northern denmark. Here he experienced lots of support from friends and acquaintances.

“As I wrote on Instagram that I was sitting in quarantine, started a lot of people to write to me, if I needed something, and they came with food for me. Both of the people that I know, people that I maybe haven’t talked with in a long time, and also just other, who sat in second homes in the vicinity, that would help. It was eddermame sweet,” he says.

the Rapper has a daughter of five years. She thought it could be fun, if they livestreamede the reading of bedtime stories on Instagram, so that other children could also follow. So it’s been a little aftentradition now:

“now, If there are children out there whose parents are not at home to read bedtime stories, so they can follow along with. There were many who liked the first reading, and then we did it again,” says Niarn.

the Reality of the phenomenon and fitnesstræneren write in a text:

“I should damn well be “father” for the summer. I and my boyfriend have gone for a long time and thought that we would like that our little family should be larger. We got the good news last week that the dog, we have looked at, finally, the waiting puppies. It is a chow chow, so now we are the lucky owners of a chow chow for the summer.”