Coronavirus: 9 rays of hope and good news in the Corona-crisis

rays of hope in an oppressive time.

The virologist Christian Drosten of Berlin’s Charite hospital said on Thursday that the restrictions of public life will soon be in the Pay of the Infected felt.

It is to be hoped that the recent Trend with more and more new cases could be mitigated every day slowly. A message, the power of careful hope.

▶︎ IMAGE shows nine positive messages that make us in the Corona-crisis hope.

1. Harvest helpers-Portal is “overrun”

The mediation portal for harvesters in the Corona-crisis had been overrun “on the first day,” said Federal agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner (CDU). So would have been reported already more than 16, 000 people who wanted to help out in agriculture. Values holds the as “a great character, as well as society,” the Minister said.

Klöckner also reiterated its proposal that it is possible to be, also asylum seekers have no permission to work in agriculture as seasonal workers, if they so wish.

▶︎ another, private-initiated mediation portal for farmers and job seekers is.