Municipalities in the north refuses to revoke the søringkarantene

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the Government encourage municipalities to revoke their local, extra strict koronatiltak, but underlines that he does not want is not forced.

It came forward at a press conference Sunday at the age of 18.

A number of municipalities, among them the Tromsø, Alta and Bodø, has used smittevernloven to introduce the local special rules.

the Reasoning has been a need to avoid contamination, which could overload the health care system locally.

Say no

Tromsø mayor Gunnar Wilhelmsen believes that the municipality informs very well and that people have the understanding that the municipality is doing this.

Photo: Sca Viken / NRK

Fauske municipality in Nordland alerts Sunday afternoon that they are not going to change their local rules.

– Of smittevernfaglige regard we will keep us to the quarantine for those who come to the south of Nordland. It is still the increase in the number of infections in the region and to the south, ” says mayor Marlen Rendall Berg (Sp).

She hopes other municipalities in the north will follow the same practice as Fauske.

It helps little about some municipalities, open up, ” she says.

In the North Norway’s largest municipality, Tromsø, the mayor clearly that will not change on their local rules and guidelines.

– We will have less traffic to Tromsø from the south of Dovre. We will also not risk to challenge the capacity of the TREAT. There is a hospital for the entire region, and we have to take care of, ” says the mayor of Tromsø, Gunnar Wilhelmsen (Ap).

He believes that the municipality already relate to the tutor, and rejects that the local karantenereglene have consequences for the business sector.

– We have a very good dialogue with the business sector. We have had video conferencing with more than 30 næringslivsaktører, and I have talked with several of them. There is no conflict with the private sector in Tromsø in relation to the local karantenereglene.

Wilhelmsen adds that the Tromsø municipality will, on an equal footing with the government, make a new assessment of the local actions after easter.

– Must be decided in the municipal council

Mayor Remi Solberg (Ap) in the Norwegian fishing village is also the leader in the Lofoten regional council.

Photo: John Inge Johansen / NRK

Lofoten, Vesterålen, Salten has also introduced strict rules, but where are the visitors from the counties to the south of Dovre, which must automatically be quarantined.

Mayor Remi Solberg in the Lofoten islands, the Norwegian fishing village has been that the national and the tutor stresses that municipalities may adopt local smittevernbestemmelser when this is considered necessary locally.

– We’re not going to make any changes before kommuneoverlegene in the municipalities in Lofoten has said its. Shall we suspend our rules, it must also be treated in the municipal council, ” says Solberg.

NHO warns municipalities

the construction company Leonhard Nilsen & Sønner AS is one of the many companies affected by the so-called søringkarantenen.

Photo: Stian Klaussen

High opened today up for that municipalities can adopt local smittevernbestemmelser when this is considered necessary locally.

It like arbeidsgiverorganisasjonen NHO bad. They believe the local apparatus can get in the way of working. And give major consequences for the business sector.

A business that is hit by the “søringkarantenen” is Norway’s only producer of iron ore. With 300 employees Rana Gruber a turnover of about one billion.

Now a day there are only half capacity in dagbruddet at Storforshei in Rana.

the Reason that Rana is of 124 of 356 Norwegian municipalities which have adopted what has been referred to as søringkarantene.

This has made the transport of goods and labour across municipal borders difficult for the business community.

ZERO LOGIC: Frode Nilsen, managing director Leonhard Nilsen & Sønner AS.

It is the construction company Leonhard Nilsen & Sønner as, which owns the Rana Gruber. Managing director Frode Nilsen says that “søringkarantenen” has major consequences.

Our maskinførere work on the plants far away from people on each machine. It is well few places it is easier to have full control than just here, ” says Nilsen.

the Reason that Rana Gruber, which is otherwise in the building and construction industry has employees from all over the country, which means that many workers do not come to work without being placed in quarantine.

today was the industry leader partially embraced.

Open the door ajar

Among the strictest municipalities in Norway have been Rana in Nordland county, which has an automatic quarantine for all travellers in Norway, with the exception of the neighboring on the coast of Helgeland.

Photo: Billy Jacobsen

After the press conference with the minister of health has Rana municipality decided to open the front door ajar.

The container “søringkarannteten”, but allows that it may be granted exemption from the non-compete as well in special cases.

There are Frode Nilsen in Leonhard Nilsen & Sønner happy with.

Our employees from North-Norway can get in on the job in Rana. When we are satisfied in the short term, the although the north/south problem is not solved yet, says he to NRK.

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