Plan mass claims against Tyrol: Accused of reacting too late on the coronaudbrud

The austrian ski haven Ischgl in Tyrol is regarded as one of the main sources of coronaepidemien in large parts of Europe – including here in Denmark.

Now the austrian province of even being hit by a serious avalanche – but of a completely different kind.

The austrian association for consumer protection (VSV) has recently started to prepare a mass claims against the authorities in the Tyrol. They are accused of having reacted too late in the alarming coronameldinger, who began to do from near and far.

the Island sounded the alarm 5. march and declared the austrian ski haven for at risk and required that all of the returnees went in hjemmekarantæne, after testing had shown that more tourists had come away with the coronavirus. Eight days later, Ischgl shut down.

It writes Deutsche Welle and Bild.

the Interest for massesøgsmålet is great among the many who returned home from a skiing trip with fever, dry cough, and difficulty breathing. Very big.

In just two days, have about 400 ski tourists, who came home with the coronavirus, signed up under the tabs.

VSV tried in the first instance, to bring a case against Tyrol’s governor, Günther Platter, The mayor, skiliftselskaberne and a string of officials by using evidence from the media coverage of how the local authorities in the astonishing a long time sat on their hands and did nothing despite the many reports of infection in Ischgl.

But it rejected the prosecutor. Therefore, VSV is now up to massesøgsmålet.

with the help of testimony from the many infected ski tourists, the association hopes to be able to prove that the closure of the ski resorts were intentionally delayed so they could continue to make money. First 13. march was the austrian ski resort shut down.

B. T. has talked to several danes who were infected in the popular skisportsby Ischgl, which likes to call itself the ‘Ibiza of The alps’. One of them is Jenni Carlend from Herlev.

“I passed out the cards in the night and is very tired. I have been active in 15 minutes, I should lie down,” she said to B. T., after she had come home and was tested positive for the coronavirus.

Jenni Carlend is convinced that it was at the popular restaurant and bar Kitzloch in Ischgl, she was infected. In that case, she is certainly not the only one.

A 36-year-old bartender at Kitzloch got the virus, and before long, his colleagues and scores of afterskigæster also been infected.

When the massesøgsmålet are brought to court, and what the claim against the Tyrol are, is yet unclear.