Ski resorts and carnival are considered to be Corona-hotspot Switzerland – view

At the 13. In March, the authorities imposed the Corona-quarantine on the Austrian ski resort of Ischgl, about three hours by car from Zurich away. Among the holiday guests in a state of panic, to flee, thousands of tried. But too late, to the spread of the Virus to contain. By the end of February, which was in the Paznauntaul the first Person tested positive, and no one did anything about it. What counts in Ischgl the Après-Ski Bars, the alcohol Flows and the angry mood. So it was over in mid-March, researchers, but the Covid-19 Virus had been spread via guests home (VIEW reported). In Switzerland, Germany and throughout Europe.

As the “Sunday newspaper” reported, was now clear that Ischgl was also the case in Switzerland, a large Outbreak. According to research, at least 27 Switzerland have Swiss in the ski resort of infected and in quarantine, or are in the hospital. “The infected Swiss drove to the holiday home to the Bernese Oberland, in Basel or Solothurn,” the newspaper said. “Often they noticed the first symptoms of the infection until several days after their return.” This could spread the Virus from Ischgl freely in the German part of Switzerland.

Hotspots in dense crowds

In Ischgl such a Hotspot was the hut, apparently, the density of the crowd in the chic Champagne. The Swiss visitors to the champagne hut had been tested, almost all positive – but it was only a week after their return to Switzerland. In the meantime, they had spread the Virus probably unknowingly among friends, family and work colleagues.

With a look back on the data now available, it seems clear: At the beginning of the virus waves of events in which the Virus spread to the General population were. In Bergamo, Italy, it was a football match with about 40’000 spectators. In South Korea the epidemic of a religious sect was. In Alsace-infected people in the event of a free Church, also a number of Swiss took part, the mitschleppten the Virus then to Basel and the Jura.

Ticino celebrated nonetheless, Fasnacht

the spread of The Virus in Ticino have accelerated, according to research by the newspaper, the Carnival in Bellinzona, the “Rabadan”. The Ticino kept at it, while Basel and other cities called off to celebrate their carnival. Therefore, came from the 20. up to the age of 25. February to the 150’000 visitors to the Rabadan. In the Canton of you, was delighted with the record turnout with 25’000 people at the parade on 23. February. Later, the “Sunday newspaper”, “showed up in Ticino, the media, an internal document of the Clinica Moncucco in Lugano, which represents the rapid spread of the Virus in the Canton after the end of the carnival festival”.

after Party in Verbier, the fever,

came A key role in the spread of the Virus in Switzerland, the famous Valais ski resort of Verbier, a Synonym for snow, parties and Jetset played. Recently, to discussion, to Verbier is also under quarantine. Because of the mountain town is a focal point of the Corona-epidemic in Switzerland. According to the local doctor is expected to be 600 to 800 Infected in the place circles – including the guests returned home, and as a carrier of the virus the causative agent there people brought

Thus, had Infected most of the Saturday, 7. In March, during a visit to the well-attended Restaurant, Le Carrefour and in the popular Farinet-Disco infected. For the time being, no one drew suspicion: “The weekend guests went again on Monday in their offices in Geneva or Lausanne, and brought with them the Virus.”

This contributed to it unnoticed by the West of Switzerland, while the tourism authorities of Verbier is still on 9. March calmed, all was “quiet” and that there is not a single confirmed case. (kes)


The Coronavirus currently holds the world in suspense. Many countries are taking measures such as Closing schools or limiting public events, to prevent the spread. In Switzerland, too, the grass, the Virus magnetized. All of the current information and Figures around the topic there is in the Coronavirus-Ticker.

I Have the corona virus or just the flu?

The Coronavirus spreads further – also in Switzerland. Especially in the flu season, you can assess for yourself whether one is ill with the Coronavirus, or whether you just have an ordinary flu. The differences are subtle, but they exist. VIEWS is defined.

protection against Coronavirus

recommendations of the Federal office for health, how you can protect yourself:

wash your hands
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use a Hand sanitizer.

Not Sneezing into hands, sneeze
or cough in a handkerchief; or if you have none, in the bend of your elbow.

handkerchiefs correctly
paper handkerchiefs to dispose of, should be disposed of after use in a closed waste bin. the contact minimize
Avoid contact with people who have difficulty breathing or a cough.

to Avoid larger gatherings of people or public transport. To remain as home to the “most important thing of All is up to date”, so that more and more people are infected. You should go only in exceptional cases, Outside.

everything is possible, delivery at home.

no welcome kiss, no hugs, no shaking hands. And always a distance of one Meter to keep.

stay Informed
please Observe the local directives and recommendations. Strictly to the rules and announcements of the authorities. “Who is healthy, and informed, remains in 99 percent of cases, healthy.”

info lines Coronavirus
For the population: 058 463 00 00
For travelers: 058 464 44 88
available: 24 hours a Day when should you to the doctor?
don’t Go any more in case of symptoms (difficulty breathing, cough, or fever) in the Public and immediately contact – first by phone, a Doctor, a doctor or a health care facility.

The Situation will continue until Further notice. Those who feel themselves safe and healthy and, therefore, to the front of the storm, risking to prolong the condition. Therefore, peace preserved, and the thing in common to serve. (SDA)