Hamburg: The Positive Corona Effect?: Exhaust gases and pollutants, adé: a Lot of fresher air in Hamburg

compared To the MOPO have already taken a first reader, the reports that the air in the city “had become the fresh” – was just there, where else will always have an exhaust Note in the air.

pollutant values: Hamburg led driving bans, a

particularly Interesting is the fact, whether the nitrogen dioxide concentration is decreased. The EU limit is 40 micrograms per cubic meter annual average and because of the has been exceeded in Hamburg in the past, have been introduced in may 2018 Diesel-driving bans at the Max-Brauer-All, as well as at the stresemannstraße. Now, presumably, fewer vehicles are there on-the-go – with impacts on air quality?

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“From the measured values, no detectable the case may be at the end of the trend. Also yesterday we were at 3 of 4 stations, the daily value is above the annual limit,“ said environmental authorities spokesman, Jan Dube, on Thursday for the MOPO. The stations on the the hawk street, the “Kieler Straße” and just to “Strese”, and Max-Brauer-Allee.

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A closer look at the data shows, however, that to recognize, at least at the latter Station a new record in the recent past. Only 11 micrograms of nitrogen were measured on the last Sunday, nitrogen dioxide per cubic meter.

A value that in the past ten years, as well as the well-informed Online Portal, “transport in Hamburg” reported. To hawk street as much as on any other day this year, have been measured last Saturday, only 10 micrograms.

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The environmental authority occurs, however, the pollutant-euphoria-brake. “The applied course of the daily mean values are only a rough orientation without making a statement about the compliance with the annual average limit value”, says Dube.

In the Interpretation of the measured values must also be taken into account that these “are available in a variety of dependency”. In addition to the Corona due to the low volume of traffic, the weather plays always a role.

This article was written by Mike Schlink

*The contribution of “Positive Corona effect?: Exhaust gases and pollutants, adé: a Lot of fresher air in Hamburg”, published by Mopo. Contact with the executives here.
