Police in Schleswig-Holstein has drivers roadblocks against trippers

laughing at The sun. It is warm. People want to get out. But We must not so right! On Saturday, there was then also in Schleswig-Holstein, the first tourists checks.

The Hetlinger Schanze is a popular recreation area on the river Elbe, Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg – but not this weekend! To curb the spread of the Corona Virus Schleswig has enter-Holstein, tourists and day-trippers, banned!

12 o’clock in Corona-Germany police barrier against day-trippers source: Live 5:16 Min. Share Tweet send via email, via Whatsapp

send This prohibition is set for this weekend by the police. On Saturday morning, the officials controlled within 30 minutes more than 30 vehicles.

Also on the Parking, the regulatory Agency, controlled, each vehicle is photographed with a Not-Schleswig-Holstein-mark, and sent the photos to the police. The then decides what should happen with the vehicles.