The United States have two presidents. And both give daily press conferences to the Corona-crisis. The one in the White house, is Donald Trump (73). The other is the Governor of the state of New York is Andrew Cuomo (62).
He has no easy Job. Because New York is the new Wuhan. Almost half of the Corona cases in the U.S. are to be found here. About 19.5 million people live in the state of New York. 39’140 confirmed cases here alone, 23’000 of them in the eponymous metropolis. At least 519 people have already died.
“Any realistic scenario will overwhelm the capacity of the health system,” said Cuomo on Friday. His message to soldiers, the need to help including the build-up of Notspitälern in all districts: “This will be a short period of use, it will take weeks and weeks and weeks. (…) This is a rescue mission, you are to save lives.”
Trumps Corona-adviser, just shook her head
His daily reports to distinguish a beneficial effect of what is going on in the press room of the White house daily about the stage. Donald Trump was balanced by the Coronavirus, to praise shortly after its own crisis management: “I would give me a ten out of Ten. I think we do a great job.”
The renowned immunologist Anthony Fauci (79) sees the apparently different. The Director of the national research centre for infections is Trumps scientific adviser in the fight against the Coronavirus. And caused a stir when he buried in one of trump’s press conferences, his face in his hands.
“I told the President things he does not want to hear. I publicly have to say something else than what he says,” said Fauci, compared to the “New York Times”. The renowned doctor has has been in the eighties, as Aids researchers have made a name and already, six presidents have served.
Each sixth Corona-the case is in the U.S.
On the collaboration with Trump, said Fauci: “Even if we do not agree in some things that he hears. He goes his own way. He has his own style. But in essential matters he listens to what I say.”
Apparently, not carefully enough. Just a few days ago shocked the Trump experts with the announcement that he would “open the country on Easter Sunday, again”. 12. April is an arbitrarily set date. Then he said on Tuesday: “Easter is a very special day for me!”
More than 600’000 people were infected worldwide proven with the new Coronavirus – one sixth of these, 104’830, in the United States. In the middle of the Corona-crisis New York Governor Cuomo of the Rock in the Surf. His father led the Federal government over three terms of office across. Criticism of the late Lockdown in New York, Cuomo junior counters by saying that he wanted to do not trigger panic. Now New York is already since the days of silent, even the construction sites are closed. In New York, once built, would have been able to imagine no one.
Is Cuomo against Trump in the race?
The long as a “hard dog” known Cuomo exudes in crisis, so much empathy and calm as possible. Two of his daughters, he brought on stage with The 22-year-old Michaela, he publicly warned prior to the graduation parties at your University, the 25-year-old Cara, he committed to the volunteers in the Corona task force. Cuomo knows exactly the psychological effect and its importance. “This is as much a social crisis as a health crisis,” he told the New York Times.
Be competent to Occur in the crisis could bring Cuomo into the White house. Long Calls are loud, the Democrats Biden when the party Congress held in June, Joe (77), leads in the race for the candidacy currently, the Governor as a Trump-opponent to select. Many are convinced that Cuomo could beat Trump.
However, even Trump, the more the war Lord as the crisis Manager, benefits. His popularity ratings are on the rise. As a recent survey by the US market researcher Gallup shows that 49 percent of Americans satisfied with the US President. The daily performances are not enough, apparently, to arouse the feeling he’ll take the crisis in attack.
The Coronavirus currently holds the world in suspense. Many countries are taking measures such as Closing schools or limiting public events, to prevent the spread. In Switzerland, too, the grass, the Virus magnetized. All of the current information and Figures around the topic there is in the Coronavirus-Ticker.
I Have the corona virus or just the flu?
The Coronavirus spreads further – also in Switzerland. Especially in the flu season, you can assess for yourself whether one is ill with the Coronavirus, or whether you just have an ordinary flu. The differences are subtle, but they exist. VIEWS is defined.
protection against Coronavirus
recommendations of the Federal office for health, how you can protect yourself:
wash your hands
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use a Hand sanitizer.
Not Sneezing into hands, sneeze
or cough in a handkerchief; or if you have none, in the bend of your elbow.
handkerchiefs correctly
paper handkerchiefs to dispose of, should be disposed of after use in a closed waste bin. the contact minimize
Avoid contact with people who have difficulty breathing or a cough.
to Avoid larger gatherings of people or public transport. To remain as home to the “most important thing of All is up to date”, so that more and more people are infected. You should go only in exceptional cases, Outside.
everything is possible, delivery at home.
Important: no welcome kiss, no hugs, no shaking hands. And always a distance of one Meter to keep.
stay Informed
please Observe the local directives and recommendations. Strictly to the rules and announcements of the authorities. “Who is healthy, and informed, remains in 99 percent of cases, healthy.”
info lines Coronavirus
For the population: 058 463 00 00
For travelers: 058 464 44 88
available: 24 hours a Day when should you to the doctor?
don’t Go any more in case of symptoms (difficulty breathing, cough, or fever) in the Public and immediately contact – first by phone, a Doctor, a doctor or a health care facility.
The Situation will continue until Further notice. Those who feel themselves safe and healthy and, therefore, to the front of the storm, risking to prolong the condition. Therefore, peace preserved, and the thing in common to serve. (SDA)