Russian Opera prize Casta Diva chose their winners

Russian Opera prize Casta Diva chose their winners

the highlight of the year was the performance of the Ekaterinburg theatre “Ural Opera Ballet” “the Three sisters” on Chekhov’s piece of the Hungarian composer Peter eötvös. The difficult the score, written in stochastischen the key and interpret Chekhov’s world in the context of the whole of the twentieth century, first staged in Russia. Performance Director Christopher Alden, conductor – Oliver the background of Dohnanyi, stage designers Andrew Lieberman, Irakli Avaliani.

Photo: Julia Osadcha “Helikon-Opera” will bring its 30-year anniversary

Not passed by the jury and by another major event in the Russian musical life – the world premiere of the score by Alexander Vustin “in Love with the devil.” This surreal and disturbing symbolism of her stage show, created by Alexander Titel, Vladimir Jurowski and the set designer Vladimir Arefiev in Musical theatre of a name of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, awarded a Special jury prize.

the Main intrigue of the award 2019 unfolded in the nomination the Show of the year where the winners in the voting for the first time were just two of the performance. Moreover, the jury selected reflected the new current conflict in Russian Opera life: performances of Russian theatres (the Original formulation) and co-production with Western theatres and festivals (co-production), which is now a fairly active part of the Russian repertoire.

Performances of the year called “the rape of Lucretia” by Britten in the Moscow theatre Novaya Opera is psychologically penetrating, precise work of Director Catherine Odegova (conductor – Jan Latham-Koenig, stage designer – Ethel Ioshpa), and “the rake’s progress” Stravinsky is a co – production of Musical theatre of a name of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko and the festival in AIX-EN-Provence. Conductor of the spectacle – Timur zangiyev, Director Simon Macburnie, set designer – Mikel Levin.

In the line of foreign Prime Minister (nomination European event) jury Casta Diva has chosen “the Tale of Tsar Saltan” by Rimsky-Korsakov at the Theatre La Monnaie in Brussels, staged by Dmitry Chernyakov, as always, exploring issues of the psyche and subconscious of modern man. Conductor of the spectacle – Alain Altinoglu.

Photo: BelTA World Opera stars will perform in the Bolshoi theatre of Belarus

vocal competitions of the Russian winners (Singers of the year) were soprano Ekaterina Gubanova, and bass Evgeny Nikitin (the Mariinsky theatre), demanded in the most difficult Wagnerian repertoire at leading Opera houses of the world, as well as Marlies Petersen and Christopher Maltman (Best foreign singers) whose performance of Salome and Oedipus at festivals in Munich and Salzburg was recognized by critics outstanding.

Another singer was nominated the “take-off” – Elena Stikhin, soloist of the Mariinsky theater, rapidly conquering the world music scene: Paris, new York, Boston, Salzburg, Amsterdam, Geneva. In Moscow she performed the role of Salome in the play Catherine Odegova on the stage of Moscow theatre Novaya Opera.

the Winners announced, but a solemn awarding ceremony and gala concert of laureates Casta Diva (including the winners of the previous years and honored guests) will be staged at the Novaya Opera theatre October 15, 2020.