When the wind blows filled shower cubicle with seaweed and crabs – still no solution in sight

In Lødingen was the waiting room put down to save to 130,000 dollars a year.

last fall, there were new bus stop in Lødingen along the road 7546 clear.

Already at the first gust of wind was busspassasjerene nedsprøytet of seawater from Tjeldsundet. Not enough with that – it was found in both seaweed, kelp, and live crabs inside inside busskuret.

People must bring snorkel and flippers when they shall wait on the bus, told Reed Ingeborg Rinø when NRK wrote about the case.

Also stortingspolitiker Dagfinn Olsen (the progress party) reacted to the glasskuret.

– This is a completely absurd position. Complete skivebom, said Olsen, who is from Lødingen.

Promised solution

Not all the bus sheds you can find seaweed inside.

Photo: Private

It is Nordland county council has responsibility for busstrafikken in the county, and who moved the shed to it, which is referred to as Lødingens most værutsatte place.

Deputy chairman Svein Eggesvik (Sp) in fylkesrådet in Nordland got to even see busskuret when he was campaigning in Lødingen in the last year.

He promised then to find a quick solution. But half a year later still waiting residents of the Ofoten municipality on the new bus stop.

Though the bus stop. Colloquially called the “shower cubicle”.

With the hideous winter with lots of wind and rain, is the citizens ‘ trust to the county strained, according to mayor Hugo Jacobsen (Ap).

When the chief county executive Bent-Joacim Bentzen came here he promised to move busskuret as fast as possible, and preferably before christmas. But he thought maybe the christmas season coming?

the Mayor says he sent letters to fylkesråden for a month and a half ago, but claims he has not received a response.

Proposes sharing the cost

– Busskuret is placed on the most exposed place in the Horn. When it’s nordavind is sjøsprøyten far into the road, ” says mayor Hugo Jacobsen.

Photo: Lødingen kommune

Now, the municipality agreed to enter into a sharing the cost with the county to move the bus stop back to where it stood originally in the middle of the city centre. With a heated waiting room and toilets close by.

– Horn has poor economy, but be ready to cough up half the cost of the item, it will say nok 90,000. With a samferdselsbudsjett on 1,84 billion, it should be possible for the county to determine the equivalent total, believes the mayor.

But the Nordland county council has other plans for the bus stop. Their solution is located a mile outside the village.

< p> the County says no Loading Giphy content to see this content you must enable JavaScript in your browser.

We have found that the best solution is to move the shed to the quayside. Here are the Norwegian public roads administration is already a holding pen, ” says Bent-Joacim Bentzen, who is the chief county executive for transport and infrastructure.

He hopes to have in place an agreement with the Norwegian public roads administration.

– But we have not come further in the dialogue, so I can not say about when we look for a solution.

– Will be chaos

One such location is going to be chaos, according to the mayor.

It has been tried before, but was no success. Horn may have Northern Norway’s busiest ferry port. And there is also no parking bays to drop people off and on the bus.

We know that this bus stop is important for Lødingen and Sortland, where there is a lot of bus service, says chief county executive for transport and infrastructure, Bent-Joacim Bentzen.

Photo: Thor-Wiggo Distinguish / Nordland county council

Bent-Joacim Bentzen admits that the move has taken abnormally long time, and have understanding for the frustration.

But I have a clear mandate from the county council that we are going to reduce costs. What do I need to take note of and follow.

the Mayor is disappointed in the response from the fylkesråden.

It is the county that will operate with transport in Nordland, it is not Lødingen municipality. When we offer to help the county, should be able to set up.