Authorities are interested in corona data from big facebook group

data Collection from the popular and udskældt facebook group to help the Danish authorities with the corona-mørketal.

A popular facebook group with almost 500,000 members, was established with the aim of identifying the Danish mørketal in connection with the coronavirus, now can still help the Danish authorities.

First, the band had a bit of udskældt, and it received criticism, since the people within the group could reply to health data about, for example, symptoms of the coronavirus.

the Group now has, in cooperation with the patientorganisationen James Lind Institute, which operates the patientfællesskabet, Forskningspanelet in Denmark, moved the collection of data away from Facebook and over to a more secure digital questionnaire.

Therefore, the State Serum Institute is now interested.

– If we are talking about data from several hundred thousand danes, it will be a very important piece in the assessment of how many have or have had the disease, but which do not come into contact with health services. The group we have not much knowledge about now, says Steen Ethelberg, there is afsnitsleder by Infektionsepidemiologi and Prevention at the State Serum Institute, to Politiken.

Henrik Vincentz is the director of the James Lind Institute. He contacted the two creators of the group.

– I think it was an exciting initiative, but there was a need to adjust the datasammenhængen, if it would live up to the GDPR guidelines and videnskabsetik, he says to Ritzau.

He explains that about 22,000 danes have already filled out the new questionnaire.

– The knowledge is important in order to understand the epidemic’s extent and course. It would be absolutely fantastic, if you could know when people have been infected, who, therefore, are immune, and who still are at risk, says Steen Ethelberg of the State Serum Institute to Politiken.

Then one would have an important additional tool to steer the well through such an epidemic, he says.

the Goal is that the questionnaire should remind as much as possible on Statens Serum institut’s own Influmeter, where the danes have been able to sign up at the track with questions about symptoms, explains Henrik Vincentz.

however, It has long been closed for registration.

the Group’s purpose and message are not been criticized, but it was problematic to inform its health data directly on Facebook.

– I appeal just to that one does not share his health information on Facebook, so they can be purchased by the other intruder, says sundhedsordfører in SF Kirsten Normann Andersen to Ritzau.

A dataekspert have earlier in the Extra Magazine also pointed out the problem to share data on Facebook. Therefore, it was within the new digital questionnaire was put in the lake.

Ritzau has tried to get a comment of the two founders of the group, but they are not returned on request.
