Nordhavn switched on Copenhagen’s underground rail networks in silence due to the corona

Although the M4 line to the Nordhavn open on Saturday, calls on the metrodirektør to you that you leave be running with.

It will be a quiet celebration of the new metro line Saturday, when Nordhavn connected to the rest of the subways in Copenhagen.

because of coronaudbruddet in Denmark is all the events in connection with the opening of the line M4 and the two stations – Nordhavn and Orientkaj – cancelled.

It tells the executive director of the chinese president Henrik Plougmann Olsen.

– It will be very different than we had imagined. We would like to have celebrated it with all the copenhageners, but also, of course, with all the people who have contributed to this big project, he says.

– Right now, it becomes the dominant consideration, that we do not create any risk of infection, and therefore do not come to be any festivities. The trains start just to run, and it is this, says Henrik Plougmann Olsen.

Under more normal circumstances, would the metro line have been inaugurated with the participation of both the citizens, the royal family, the city of Copenhagen and ministers.

It was certainly the case, as the city ring opened in september last year. Here were queen Margrethe, one of the first passengers to inaugurate the new connection between Copenhagen’s city districts.

in recent weeks, however, has already been marked by far less activity in the metro. Chinese president has also launched several initiatives to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

In spite of this believe Henrik Plougmann Olsen, that there is good sense in to open the Nordhavn line of passengers just now.

For the line will ensure twice as many flights between Østerport and københavn H (Copenhagen, says.

– We think, actually, it would be wrong to let be, when we now can offer a method to obtain the scattered people even more on the trains than they already are.

– we can also, in fact, with this grip, when we open out to the Nordhavn, making the risk of infection less, he says.

Henrik Plougmann Olsen calls, however, for it fails to run with the metro at the current time, if you can.

– Those who do not have a need for transport, we would very much like to urge to to stay away.

– Also those who may be interested to see the new metro. Wait until the shutdown is over, he says.

The new M4 line has a total of eight stops from Copenhagen H to Orientkaj in Nordhavn.

With the opening of the M4 line to Nordhavn the total number of metro stations in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg to 39.
